Example sentences of "[pron] be the [adj] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes they confuse me with the hon. Member for Walthamstow ( Mr. Summerson ) — I am the hon. Member for Wanstead and Woodford , and unemployment in my constituency has not risen to quite the extent that he suggests .
2 I want it , I need it and I 'm the right person for it .
3 I 'm the right man for this job .
4 I 'm the right size for me already . ’
5 I 'm not like overly fat or anything , I 'm the right weight for what I 'm , for my height like but I 've just got a pot belly
6 ‘ It 's always said I 'm the perfect man for long- ball football , but I can play anywhere you want me to .
7 I resist for two good reasons — a ) they do n't suit me , and b ) I 'm the wrong age for them .
8 I was the advance man for Mrs Thatcher in the 1987 General Election .
9 Obviously , they were so sure that I was the right person for the job , that they needed a second opinion .
10 One amusing thing was that after all my worry about dress it turned out I was the overdressed character for everyday he wore a different combination of tee shirt and jeans while I wore my neat school uniform .
11 Quite a large group apparently went to work as compositors in the south of England , if that is the right interpretation to put on the mention " gone to Colchester " which is recorded against the names of some women in the trade-union membership registers which are the chief source for this information .
12 It is cases like Byrd , Utley and Toon which are the chief cause for concern .
13 PGCEs , which are the main route for training specialist secondary teachers , had substantially less , however ( see Table 3 ) .
14 Hundreds more are in our prisons , which are the wrong place for such people .
15 With actors of the calibre of Gerard Kelly ( as Spanky ) , Andy Gray , Alexander Morton and Barbara Rafferty that was never likely , but what was less expected was the ability of the actors in the parts of the younger Slab Boys to rise to heights , to produce the casual , offhand , muscular performances which are the ideal foil for the more reflective playing of their older selves .
16 Whether this will in practice make a great difference may be doubted , since it seems unlikely that a court will come to the conclusion that a chief constable of police has come to a decision that he could not reasonably arrive at , which is the critical test for the exercise of the powers of judicial review .
17 The ring is virtually invisible around the central cornea which is the critical area for clear vision .
18 The ring is virtually invisible around the central cornea which is the critical area for clear vision .
19 The effort involved in the activity of penance may become less rigorous as the self achieves a habit of self-control born out of self-knowledge , although , clearly , the kind of self-awareness which is the necessary ingredient for penance must constantly be maintained .
20 All the above situations involve a stressed and weakened fish which is the prime target for the bacteria implicated in this disease — Myxobacteria ( Cytophaga )
21 Thus , faced with words with a medial e sound like : head bed thread or led health except the pupil ought to be clear that because there is a spelling choice , he is encouraged to use the dictionary to check which is the correct form for this context .
22 It involves studying for a qualifying law degree and then proceeding direct to the Legal Practice Course , which is the professional training for solicitors .
23 To attend all directions appointments and hearings , unless excused , and to advise the court orally or in writing : ( i ) whether the child is of sufficient understanding for any purpose including refusal to submit to medical or psychiatric examination or other assessment ; ( ii ) what the child 's wishes are in relation to any matter relevant to the proceedings including his own attendance at court ; ( iii ) which is the appropriate forum for the proceedings ; ( iv ) what is the appropriate timing of the proceedings ; ( v ) what options are available to the court , the suitability of each and what order should be made .
24 I am a vice-president of the River Thames Society , which is the administrative society for the whole river .
25 The rig , which is the collective name for the sail , mast and boom , should be put together in the following manner :
26 As our diagram shows , its most important product is naphtha which is the key feedstock for the whole operation .
27 First choose whether to use egg white , which is the traditional adhesive for pressed flowers , or some modern rubber solution glue .
28 The other metal which I mentioned to you before which is the traditional method for etching is copper , copper plate .
29 All I 'm saying is , what account has been taken of that other ingredient , which is the strategic guidance for West Yorkshire ?
30 I am not myself much enamoured by Process Theology , which is the technical name for what Birch is expounding here .
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