Example sentences of "[pron] be too [adj] for her " in BNC.

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1 She was wearing an old brown hat and a dress which was too small for her .
2 He was five minutes early , but she was already there , conspicuous in the red dress which was too tight for her .
3 Wearing jeans and a blue shirt , she was tugging at a filing cabinet which was too large for her to embrace and which was threatening to over-balance on her .
4 You 're too ugly for her . ’
5 ‘ There 's no bus , and even if she had a bike it 's too far for her to ride both ways . ’
6 It 's too heavy for her to carry , so she pulls it to pieces with her beak , holding it tightly in her talons .
7 If it 's too painful for her to accept that I want to look for Elaine , then I sha n't . ’
8 By moving away from his first mate , the male prevents the female from assessing his true status until it is too late for her to do anything about it .
9 Here the incoherence has been identified as probably resolvable by a metaphoric reading , but the respondent obviously feels it is too invisible for her to be able , as yet , to resolve it successfully .
10 It was too dark for her to see anything , but from where he was , twenty feet up , she would be perfectly silhouetted against the open door .
11 He pulled the window up quickly and it was too dark for her to see him step back towards the house .
12 But it was too late for her to break the habit of dislike , and she turned away from me .
13 But the journey from Gridford to Shadwell was too long for Tim to bring his family , and Miss Miggs always said it was too far for her to travel to them .
14 It was too big for her when the boys left home , and she could n't really afford it any more .
15 Viola said she was going to sell the house , because it was too big for her ( Hilary had just moved out ) , and she found the stairs difficult — so what was she to do with Walter 's manuscripts and stuff , which were legally Mam 's ?
16 where it , she said it was too big for her and er she wanted something smaller , with a swap , well I did n't swap for the reason mine was overlooking the lake , it was in a better position , and er , then she told me the reason she wanted to swap cos er , she said it was too big cos her husband had died , I started to speak to her about when God 's kingdom comes on the earth , these dead ones will come back , these loved ones
17 ‘ I could not understand what she said , because it was too preposterous for her to say . ’
18 It was necessary to rest it on the lap because it was too heavy for her to hold up , which meant she had to sit leaning forward in order to read .
19 I thought it was too heavy for her , she was only small .
20 It was too large for her and the wide sleeves of limp cotton hung from her freckled arms like rags thrown over a stick .
21 He was too close for her to say a word to Mitch but she knew without doubt that he was going to turn on them as soon as the door to his suite was closed and say that he would not even consider having anyone like her in his home or even near it .
22 It never would , she was too sophisticated for him , and he was too clever for her .
23 Her first thought was to stop Adam screaming again , and she lunged for him , trying to get her hand over his mouth ; but he was too strong for her .
24 He was too strong for her , but even now she made a last-ditch stand , her hands going out to thrust at his chest .
25 But somehow , damn him , he was too quick for her ; somehow , with catlike reflexes , he had manoeuvred her around so that now he had hold of her arms and she felt herself falling backwards , and in a moment there she was in front of him , floundering in the stagnant , smelly water .
26 She turned on her heel to leave him standing , but he was too quick for her .
27 Once more she tried to elude him , but as before he was too fast for her .
28 Frantically Shannon tried to wriggle away , but he was too fast for her , his large body effectively pinning her to the mattress , and when she tried to slap him he caught her flailing wrists and held them fast on the pillow above her head .
29 And , needing desperately to defend her grandfather , she added weakly , ‘ Knowing he was too old for her , knowing that when the child grew up it would need a younger father … ’
30 Nothing was too good for her .
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