Example sentences of "[pron] be no [noun] [prep] our " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 We were no trouble to our mother , who was at last recovering from the dreadful ‘ flu ’ that killed more folk than the 1914 – 18 war itself .
2 So check thoroughly-there is no point in our going further to describe how small adjustments on the connecting ring can affect performance when the bridle loops to the leading edge are allowed to slide out of position !
3 Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence .
4 There are no Gazzas in our team .
5 In general , Wordsworth 's changes were often simple adjustments aimed at tidying up the poem — he removed lines 343–4 in our extract ; but he also altered the language in the direction of the exaggerated poetic diction which he had campaigned against in earlier days — there are no examples in our extract , except perhaps ‘ the female ’ for ‘ the Woman ’ in line 315 .
6 There are no flowers in our garden , but the vegetables are exceptional .
7 No it is n't , it is n't gon na away but when you go back to these figures we 've actually been working , if you wo if you accept that there 's been , there 's no change in our situation apart from auto-offs and units
8 There 's no rules in our business , but there 's more or less a convention that we do n't kill each other .
9 There 's no problem from our point of view if that happens , but we 're looking you know quite closely at it and we 'll wait and see what happens .
10 There 's no gates on our yard , or had n't you noticed ?
11 There 's no waste in our house .
12 Since you now have the matter under such efficient control , there 's no point in our wasting any more time together .
13 There is no diminution of our desire to gain Royal Charter status ; just as prudent regard to the timing and a realism of the issues involved .
14 Even now there is no obligation in our traditional curriculum to know anything about China because the Greeks and the Romans knew nothing or almost nothing about it .
15 We did not look specifically at extracontractual referrals and the extent to which payment for these was refused by purchasing authorities , but there is no evidence from our results that the contracting system affected out of district referrals from this group of practices to any great extent .
16 It must be admitted , however , that although there is no doubt in our own minds that preparations of the US Army in Japan are purely precautionary and defensive , seen from the Russian viewpoint , many of the activities of the Americans here may appear extremely aggressive .
17 Erm you know there is no doubt in our system of government that the power is highly centralized and that local government is seen as a , a possible convenience well a public convenience probably erm something
18 That if we are to be individuals there is no escape from our interdependence .
19 Last week Hurd was at his most coy when he said : ‘ There is no question of our ratifying a treaty other than the one we negotiated . ’
20 The gift of Lord Tebbit 's manic utterances last Wednesday ( perhaps always a risk when one chooses to dine upstairs in the press gallery ) was thrown away by the decision to set Douglas Hurd up to advise ( a ) that the passage of Amendment 27 would wreck the treaty and ( b ) that for HMG ‘ there is no question of our ratifying a treaty other than the one we negotiated ’ .
21 ‘ Our fortunes follow those of our clients and there is no sign from our clients ’ businesses that we can look forward to any upturn in the short to medium term . ’
22 There is a need for parents , teachers and governors to be vigilant in ensuring that there is no warping of our education service in the pursuit of financial support .
23 The editors like it , and there is no blood on our floor .
24 There is no alternative to our programme .
25 ‘ Owners complain about low prize money but there is no point in our executive putting up £25,000 with prize money down to fourth for a non-sponsored race if they wo n't support it .
26 If we are to maintain confidence in the system , there is no point in our mucking around with the map several times in each Parliament .
27 If Bush is to repeat the UN resolutions to us , then there is no point in our going there . "
28 There is no need for our purposes to explore all the different conceptions of it , though some of them will emerge during the course of the discussion .
29 ‘ But there is no fear in our dressing room .
30 There is no desire on our part to play down the importance of providing for those with special educational needs throughout their school career and thereafter .
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