Example sentences of "[pron] be a [adj] man [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 I did not like the accusation of naïvety , preferring to believe that I was an honest man who found it hard to imagine how other people could live with a guilty conscience .
2 There a reception committee awaited her , at the head of which was a young man who could only be described as beautiful .
3 You are a young man who is a part-time caddie and a part-time stockbroker , and you do n't seem to be particularly successful at either job .
4 ‘ Ah , Mr Lawrence — there 's a young man who 'd like to talk to you .
5 ( ‘ There 's an old man who comes in sometimes to show them how to make musical instruments . ’
6 In the next cell there is a wild-looking man who has been in prison for 8 years , and whose long , unkempt hair has gone white .
7 Crooked , right , crooked , there was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile , he found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked style
8 Do n't know , it does n't seem to be doing anything and what the was that during the week when was in residence one night the dogs barked and he went out to see what was happening and there was a young man who worked in it this was in the pitch dark , was up there taking some of his stuff away .
9 Now he said , ‘ It 's a wise man who recognises his own sins , ’ and smiled .
10 The towering , effortless blow that cleared the St Lawrence lime certainly pleased the Canterbury archivists , and it is a foolish man who bets against him delighting the rest of the world for many years to come .
11 Another ambition has been financial reward , and it is a lucky man who escapes a conversation with Jackie without being reminded of his various positions , his bankers , his lawyers , his accountants and his courtiers .
12 It is a wise man who learns from other men 's mistakes , but a wiser man who learns from his own .
13 With so many unanswered questions , it is an unwise man who comes to a conclusion .
14 In 1932 a journalist wrote of Roosevelt : He is a pleasant man who , without any important qualifications for the office , would very much like to be President .
15 He is a middle-aged man who drags his feet as he walks .
16 He is a quiet man who enjoys his work and is happily married .
17 He is an old man who Mr Browning met in the burning streets of Florence last month half out of his wits and with nowhere to go his wife having thrown him out for what reason I do not know .
18 He 's a good man who 's done much for our people , but he ca n't quite let go of the life he and our forefathers have always known .
19 He 's a lovely man who deserves to be loved , ’ she said .
20 He 's a big man who can score tries and make the ball available to his winger . ’
21 Local inhabitants on either side of the Border were legally obliged to offer assistance to the pursuers ; but it was a brave man who opposed the Armstrongs , knowing that brutal vengeance would be exacted sooner or later , however much the law might theoretically be on his side .
22 He was a clever man who brought an uneasy peace and stability to Palestine .
23 He was a fascinating man who shared with us some of his delight in Arctic birds and animals .
24 He needed this trip : he was a conscientious man who drove himself hard .
25 He was a mysterious man who wandered about the house at all hours but was very rarely seen .
26 He was a brilliant man who had a great deal of influence — in fact , he was one of the few doges who wielded any real authority .
27 Despite his flair and populism , he was a cautious man who took great comfort from the fact that his son had not become a footballer but was securely settled in the middle class as a solicitor .
28 He was a plump man who looked as if he would burst if you sat on him .
29 Palin sometimes explains his father by saying that he was a sad man who did not pursue the career he wanted .
30 In his own chamber , the Lord Bruce showed these feelings but he was a practical man who simply believed power should be grasped and wielded .
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