Example sentences of "[pron] be not [adj] for they " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If that 's the Press , ’ SOCO called out to the PC guarding the door , ‘ I 'm not ready for them yet … ’
2 Anyway , you 're not responsible for them , are you ? ’
3 I 'm surprised you know , she is n't stuck for them children mo any more if he 'd been
4 She did n't want babies for some years yet ; she was n't ready for them .
5 There 's not much for them to do at all .
6 But for people who do suffer head injuries like Mrs Asmoyah , it 's not uncommon for them to suddenly come round a week or even ten days later and be perfectly okay .
7 ‘ And it 's not uncommon for them to blame each other , as they get older , for taking the decision not to have a family . ’
8 ‘ And it 's not uncommon for them to blame each other , as they get older , for taking the decision not to have a family . ’
9 It 's er , it 's not pleasant for them , and they 're doing it in wet weathers , but I mean whatever erm , I find for them you know , to wear , I mean , time after time they get their feet down and slip and get them in .
10 It 's not good for them , but they love it .
11 Many elderly people do this each year if it is not suitable for them to go away with their family , and they understand the need those who are caring for them have for a complete break .
12 Many adult cats , contrary to popular opinion , actively dislike milk , and it is not necessary for them .
13 People like rules : it is not good for them to have them .
14 This fact in itself may be a symptom of the illness , particularly if it is not usual for them to behave in that way .
15 Young Monodactylus are able to tolerate freshwater conditions but it is not usual for them to survive in a totally freshwater environment beyond a body length of 5cm .
16 During that process the proposals are amended — it is not impossible for them to be amended , although to hear Opposition Members speak one would think that the proposals went straight from Commission draft into law without an intermediate stage .
17 No such assurances have been given by the Opposition because it is not possible for them to do so .
18 As a general rule , Dobermanns usually have good appetites and , therefore , it is not uncommon for them to get fat — a combination of too much food and too little exercise is not good for this breed !
19 But other women do help a lot , in fact they have such strong relationships with the child that it is not uncommon for them to be called Big Mother or Small Mother .
20 There are other treats in store for the employer who ‘ streamlines ’ production and uses outworkers apart from the fact that it is not uncommon for them to supply their own machinery , they also carry all the overheads of power , lighting , and heating , and the maintenance and cleaning of premises .
21 ‘ I accept , of course , that judges must be vigilant concerning the liberty of the subject ; but , if Parliament gives them discretionary powers , as section 13 of the Act of 1960 seems to do , it is not competent for them to refuse to exercise those powers .
22 If they have 500 claims on a pro forma where people are simply asked to sign their name at the bottom , it is not unreasonable for them to consider those claims with a certain degree of scepticism .
23 When people from this background find themselves in the middle of an industrial set-up , it is not easy for them to adjust their values or frames of reference , just as people from an industrial society , used to individual wages and jobs , would feel confused if suddenly thrust into a peasant society .
24 It is not easy for them to get a meal , but if they do it is likely to be a big one .
25 In this case , it is not unusual for them to decide to get another dog to keep their first dog company , and this is where the problems can arise — especially if the second dog is younger , or of a more submissive character .
26 Where vaned cowls are to be replaced , it is not advisable for them to be fixed in place , not only for the sake of authenticity , but also to simplify maintenance .
27 In considering such reports and recommendations , the Houses are free to decide as they wish and it is not unknown for them to divide along party lines where there are party political implications involved .
28 Proposals seldom spring from a single source , although it is not unknown for them to do so .
29 Mori Bokharas may also be referred to by a number of alternative names ( including Jaldar , Kafkazi — pl. 28 — and Serapi ) , and it is not unknown for them to be marketed under the name of the gul most prominent in their design .
30 It is n't usual for them to work after six .
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