Example sentences of "[pron] be [not/n't] [adj] for us " in BNC.

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1 Hitherto , when they asked us to obey those laws , we have known that we could change them , but hereafter a combination of people with different languages , understandings and cultures can set , and are by combination setting , upon us standards , rules and laws which may be suitable for Greece , central or northern Europe , France or Spain but which are not right for us .
2 She 's not responsible for us any more .
3 No , they were n't free for us .
4 Trouble is , some of them have made the mistake I think , of saying well it 's not good for us because we do n't do really old furniture you know .
5 It is not necessary for us in the present case to decide whether this distinction is a legitimate one and I do not think we should assume to do so .
6 Clearly then , it is not necessary for us , in constructing the analytical model of a market in process , to postulate such a rigid compartmentalization of roles .
7 It is not appropriate for us to comment further . ’
8 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
9 As competent users of English , it is not easy for us , when looking at a piece of discourse which we understand , to imagine how it appears to the language learner .
10 It is not safe for us here ; Fedorov is a monster .
11 It was n't uncommon for us to be putting out a 16-page issue at the end of the 1960s .
12 T. D. The discipline was tyranny but it was n't bad for us — two policemen walking along the road together , talking about women or football like everybody else , and they ca n't keep their eyes for crime or for offences being committed under their noses .
13 Now that Joyce knew and understood the reason for the onset of her phobia , it was not difficult for us to work together to help her overcome it .
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