Example sentences of "[pron] be [coord] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I tried to remind myself who I am and how I play tennis . ’
2 But we ca n't give it back to 'im , can we , not knowing who 'e is or where 'e lives . ’
3 There you are and again you get the problem , you see , that I 'm just not interested , so I do n't learn these things .
4 Vasectomy does not change who you are and how you feel about sex , it only prevents pregnancies .
5 Power that comes from who you are and how you represent yourself and behave towards others is highly contagious .
6 Who you are and how you behave will have a major effect on the men and women who live there .
7 Are there elements in your upbringing , or the character of your parents or others close to you from whom you have learned , which help to explain or cast light on who you are and how you behave and respond , given certain circumstances ?
8 you just put the address of the place where you were and then you put the position you held .
9 She sipped absently , so desperate to remember who she was and how she came to be here that the mug was empty before she realised it .
10 He just asked me if I knew where she was and then I watched him disappear out of the room .
11 So it 's just the , give you the background to show how were linked , so that 's who we are and how we organize , is that clear , has anybody got any questions .
12 When we were little children how eagerly we used to gather pieces of broken tile , little sticks , and mud with which to build houses and other tiny buildings , and if someone knocked them over , how heartbroken we were and how we cried !
13 We had that one nil down and we thought that was it , there was and then they came back seven goals
14 mail and it says about what a lovely family they are and how it 's got ta
15 And then the judge has got to ask the people where they were and then you 've got to clap something so they clap clap and then you 've got to point at somebody .
16 The photographs were printed in a series of features about celebrities ' wives and who they were and how they coped .
17 This is doing me no good at all whereas it seems to be all me and my wife it 's but like we went to court , Mr and Mrs who were equally involved in it
18 Mum wants a pair of trousers for going out with , you know well she 's got plenty but like I say it 's but then you get I 'll no it 's not very personal to give somebody a voucher though is it ?
19 As the learner is designed to favour good features , the population will eventually become monoclonal , however big it is and however it starts .
20 It is and wherever you quote nine hundred pound you quote them nine hundred pound per year
21 ‘ We begin around 12 telling them what a baby is , why it 's the sex it is and how it comes about .
22 People do n't mind being referred if it 's something that is genuinely but say they phone Leeds and Leeds do n't know and Leeds refer them to a number they think it is and then they refer to a third number then somebody gets .
23 Well it says it is , whether it is or not I do n't know .
24 He may be sitting in a hospital bed somewhere in Italy at this very moment , wondering who he is and why he knows all these long words like hermeneutics . ’
25 You see he 's and then he had the cheek to charge me for insurance !
26 These impressive alterations probably represent an important event in the development of the site , even if we can not define precisely what preceded it , how widespread it was and why it happened .
27 Brenda , I adore it , it 's me all over so the bathroom I had endless trouble , as you know , with Shirley I had to buy stuff and Shirley came in and I gave her little presents of this and that and helped her with cooking meals for her she re-grouted practically my bath tiles and my en suite tiles because we thought water was going through the wall , and it was and then I had to replace the where you take the plug out in the bath , I forget what you call that , the trap
28 ‘ I said it was and now I see I 'm right .
29 The woman at the villa , Barbara Coleman , would n't tell me where it was and so I went to Durance and he was equally determined about it .
30 When he woke up , chilled and stiff , he could not at first understand where on earth he was nor where he had come from .
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