Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] use for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , ordinary nouns never strictly correspond to a structure like ( 10 ) ; the word bottles for example really demands an intensional representation which is already ( minimally ) complex ; schematically , it is : Taking into account the particular word-meaning used we might write either : ( The superscript e would tag the meaning as one which is conventionally used for identifying entities . )
2 In fact , their van , which is normally used for delivering letters in the Darlington district , was such a success that Ford technicians refused to believe it was a standard production line van .
3 The tension used for weaving should usually be about one number looser than that which is normally used for stocking stitch .
4 STARTLED voters from the parish of Binsted found their polling station had been switched to an open sided shed , which is normally used for storing Christmas trees in the middle of Alice Holt Forest .
5 It has reverse action which is basically used for removing debris and jammed drill bits .
6 A copper based alloy including tin which was originally used for casting cannons .
7 Methods you are currently using for identifying training needs .
8 They are primarily used for screening purposes , intelligence gathering , surveillance and harassment .
9 These are uni-directional microphones mounted on booms which can be swung overhead and aimed at individual speakers ; they are mainly used for recording drama , and require skilled operation by an assistant .
10 They are sometimes used for previewing activity , or they can be used as recall devices for language study and practice as they are in the " Focus " section of Family Affair ( see Video Plan 7 ) and in the example in Video Plan 9 .
11 They were also used for timing the length of sailors ’ watches .
12 The local people call the clays salão , and it is traditionally used for covering walls and houses .
13 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
14 The tops of ling heather ( Calluna vulgaris ) , produce yet another shade of yellow dye when boiled in water , and in fact that entire plant is wonderfully versatile : it was commonly used for thatching houses , and even today the few Highland thatchers that remain will swear it is the best thatch in Gaeldom ; it provided beds to sleep on , with the ‘ tops up and roots down ’ arrangement of the mattress assuring a pleasantly aromatic and sound sleep ; it was used in part of the process of tanning leather ; and the fresh , young tops of the heather were ( and at times still are ) brewed into a kind of ale .
15 It is a hangover from those long gone days when it was actually used for darning socks !
16 There was a dining-table in there but it was never used for eating from .
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