Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 ’ They never have any trouble with their parents most of them are too wrapped up in their work and their money to take an interest in what their children are doing anyway .
2 I was nearly run over in New Palace Yard after the vote by the surge of Jaguars roaring out of the carpark and off to the country for the weekend .
3 How they did n't see me , I 'll never know , 'cos I was just huddled up in the corner of the alley .
4 Except that I was all caught up in it , the romance and everything and the sunshine .
5 I was so caught up in what I was seeing that it was only when I reached the top of the close where they lived that I started to think again about what I was doing there , and it was then that my feelings of fear started .
6 I was so caught up in my plurals or situations in hardship that I did n't notice that the subject in more senses than one is a singular lack , and the verb should be is and not are , therefore I must ask the indulgence of the general assembly to change the verb .
7 I was so wrapped up in my own performances that I needed someone with experience to help .
8 She had a huge holdall with her — I should have been suspicious , but I was n't , I was too wrapped up in my own problems .
9 These results , which are also born out in Fig.1 , suggest the involvement of ( an ) additional factor(s) beside IIIB and IIIC — and IIIA in the case of 5S rRNA .
10 Again , many decisions which are successfully carried out in a given period may not turn out to have been the best possible courses of action .
11 Under the overseas person exemption , many types of investment business which are actually carried on in the UK ( albeit from a non-UK office ) , are in effect treated as carried on outside the UK for the purposes of the FSA ( and so do not require authorisation under the FSA ) if the firm does not have a UK office from which it carries on investment business and : ( 1 ) The firm deals with or through , or arranges transactions with , an FSA-authorised person , such as a UK stockbroker , or an exempted person , such as a listed money market institution , acting within the terms of its exemption ( para 26 of Sched 1 ) ; this applies even if that person is an affiliate ; ( 2 ) the firm did not solicit the business in contravention of the FSA 's restrictions on the issue of investment advertisements and cold calling ( para 27 of Sched 1 ) .
12 As an instance , carriage doors which were formerly framed up in the body shop and then transferred to the finishing shop for the fixing of the interior lining , afterwards being sent to the polishing shop to be french polished and finally returned to the body shop for fixing in position , were now dealt with by an altogether different method .
13 The high number of joyful expressions about the salvation of the Führer , which is emphasized as a true stroke of fortune for the German people , is not only proof of the devotion and loyalty of the soldiers to the Führer , but of the firm determination of the soldiers to fight and conquer for him , which is also brought out in the letters …
14 The rate of change and the lack of sincere consultation have led to an air of defeatism and concern which is frequently summed up in the analogy that they ( the government ) keep moving the goalposts .
15 Many Norwegians participate in mountain rescue , which is usually carried out in deep snow .
16 ‘ Given the general caution and lack of opportunities recently for management buy-outs and buy-ins , we now have £40 million available for investment in small companies , which is currently tied up in blue chips . ’
17 The ventral arm plates are pentagonal to broadly triangular with a convex distal edge which is often raised up in proximal segments .
18 Throughout Latin America , except for Cuba , abortion is illegal but , nevertheless , a considerable number of women do resort to abortion , which is often carried out in unhygienic and inadequate conditions .
19 Michael Murrin , realizing he had been used , gave me a copy of the tape , which is now locked up in my lawyer 's safe .
20 LEFT The first Opera House in the Haymarket , London , which was later burnt down in 1789 .
21 A local councillor is claiming tonight that the chemical works which was completely burned out in one of the region 's biggest fires for decades , had been a fire risk for some time .
22 The rest seemed somewhat vacuous , in particular the endless miserable pursuit of Paradise Lost which was continually played out in forays into the Seventies .
23 The study reports on the findings of a re-interview survey of employers ' attitudes to the Youth Training Scheme , which was originally carried out in 1984 and repeated in 1985 .
24 [ The idea is that probability , which was originally spread out in a wavefunction ( or packet ) covering " here " , " there " and perhaps " everywhere " , is now all concentrated " here " .
25 Her long black hair , which was always tied back in a knot at the nape of her neck , would spring constantly outwards in a curly disarray whenever she was suddenly excited .
26 Litaw fetched his father 's corpse , which was still rolled up in its burial mat and starting to decay .
27 I stop to give a lift to two young warriors who are fully made up in ochre topped by head-dresses .
28 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
29 Ensure that you are well turned out in a clean , white karategi that is free of open tears and rips .
30 You are so wrapped up in yourself .
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