Example sentences of "[pron] be [adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the days after Marie Coyle and Maureen Bursey , the mums in the baby mix-up drama , gave birth to their new daughters Gemma and Carla Marie , I am sure they too indulged in this ritual .
2 For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table , when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him , I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story .
3 As I am sure you already know , I loved her .
4 I come now to what will be the first of many simplicities which I shall offer to you this afternoon ; for I am sure you already realise from what you know of my speakings and writings — and it will be all the more painfully obvious in half an hour 's time — that I am incurably simpliste .
5 I am sure you well remember saying ‘ I ca n't do that movement because I ca n't play for it ! ’
6 erm I saw in the newspaper , as I am sure you probably did , last week that the government has just devoted , I think , nine million pounds over the next few years to develop curricula and methods of training teachers in schools , and I think it 's tremendously important that that does n't become merely a bit more science of one form or another .
7 I am sorry we not have longer time to know each other , but I am having to rush .
8 I am afraid I never understood until I saw Hickson 's letter to Wash that even in Bedfordshire the Extra-Mural Board had become the recognised body under Chapter III .
9 I am afraid I personally see not much of a guide towards , say , the brilliant Cape Fear .
10 " I am afraid she never liked me . "
11 ‘ The guidelines are helpful but I am concerned it still leaves too much to individual authorities and agencies to decide for themselves .
12 I 'm certain she never loved me .
13 From Sweet Nothin 's and All Alone Am I to I 'm Sorry they just kept coming on Saturday night .
14 So it is not as though it 's a young player who 's going out of the game and you 're telling them I 'm sorry your not going to make it with Warwickshire .
15 I 'm sorry I fucking came here worked out dearer this week than they normally do .
16 I 'm sorry I nearly made a mess of things . ’
17 I I 'm sorry I just take that as automatic , I do n't even think about it any more .
18 " I 'm sorry I ever got you involved . "
19 I can see now I was mistaken and I 'm sorry I ever thought it . ’
20 I 'm sorry I once called you a pig . "
21 It is rough , I 'm sorry it really makes me sick .
22 " I 'm sure they only do it to tease Lambert .
23 The temperature of the water will inevitably be variably , and I 'm sure we certainly welcome , lots of people will welcome your philosophical position .
24 Well done , that was absolutely first rate , I mean erm , it was a difficult er , task you had , especially as the book was n't in the library , of which I am deeply apologetic , because I thought it was , and er , I thought you er , you coped with a very difficult assignment extremely well , and I think you can have an extra and I 'm sure everyone else thinks so too .
25 I know what the emergency service is , I 'm sure everybody else does .
26 President , Congress , , London Region , moving Resolution three five O. Congress , I 'm sure everybody here has heard of , or had experience of , the changes taking place in the terms of our employment .
27 She 's always on about Alison like , I 'm sure she fucking does n't charge them for drinks .
28 I 'm sure she still likes hearing from everyone , even if telephone conversations are ‘ a bit unsatisfactory ’ .
29 I 'm sure she never told you that .
30 I 'm sure he just heats it , I 'm sure he does n't actually boil it .
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