Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [adj -er] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well , as I explained to the Almighty , at 30,000 feet I was much nearer to him than ever before and , shouting to make myself heard above those damned engines , perhaps there was an even money chance of being heard .
2 Fig 103 By making the first of two tacks into tide it is easier to judge when to tack for the mark since you are much closer to it than if you take the other course .
3 What was crucial about the " women 's offices " was that part of the trade — straight typesetting — was being defined as " particularly " suitable for women ; indeed it was being said they were actually better at it than the men , while the other tasks in the compositor 's repertoire were variously described as " heavy " ( thus by definition not skilled ) or on the contrary as highly skilled ( make-up and imposition ) but requiring fewer persons to do them .
4 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
5 In a personal attack on Mr Kinnock — a prime target for the Conservative counter-offensive — she added : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ? ’
6 Erm , but my Lord er I think the difficulty is that as far as my learned friend is concerned er he takes the view and it 's probably better for him to develop this your Lordship , that the matters can not properly be separated and he wishes your Lordship to deal with them in total so that er the whole picture can be seen at liability stage .
7 I think it 's probably better for us to stay away from all the f—ing scenes in Sydney because it gives us original ideas on life . ’
8 It 's probably easier for me than the other three , but then they are such good players . ’
9 And I honestly think that if you are going to give me that much , it 's probably easier for you to do it once a month . ’
10 It 's all done in a few seconds , which means it 's even harder for you to fend off the messages ; they go in subliminally , which means you are n't aware of them .
11 It 's far worse for them .
12 Canan and her boss know exactly what to expect from each other : ‘ It 's far easier for me to work for another Turk because I can talk about pay rates and things like that more openly .
13 It 's sometimes easier for them to cope if they distance themselves from it and rebuild their lives as single parents , without telling people what they 've been through . ’
14 Yes it 's much better for you to look , because you 're all busy trying to look at them and listen to what 's
15 ‘ The feeling is that it 's much safer for them there , ’ added PC Hogg .
16 It 's much easier for me to centralise all requests , arrange the shipping — or , in this case , give them to you to take to the island .
17 When someone first joins an organisation , it 's much easier for them to ascertain their new colleagues ' overt status than it is to understand their active status .
18 It 's much harder on them than it is on you . )
19 Is that why Peter 's not come today , is it because I was going to say I support a Saturday meeting particular during the budget process , because it 's more easier for me .
20 Since you are agreeing to make regular payments over a number of years , it is probably easier for you to pay by Banker 's Order or Direct Debit Mandate when the payments will automatically be made from your bank account .
21 It is much easier for us to disobey God when we have developed a calloused conscience , or have paralysed our desires for God .
22 it is true that it is currently harder for me to get any kind of sympathetic press coverage in this country than it is anywhere else in Europe . ’
23 Horses learn new things easily when they are young ; it is actually easier for them to learn new things than it is for older horses .
24 Does my right hon. Friend agree that , if justice is to be seen to be done , it is far better for it to be dispensed closer to the community in which the crime took place ?
25 It is far better for you , and the child , to come to an agreement outside the court system , than get involved in a legal battle .
26 This reassures me that the band are clear about what they are trying to do , and it is far easier for me to get excited by someone coming in with a plan and an idea .
27 Apparently the herdsman is coming back tomorrow , and he 's probably gentler with them than the relief milker , and when the cows get used to their new surroundings the milk yield will return to normal .
28 Well I have much it was much easier for me to study the once .
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