Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [Wh adv] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've spent a year … polishing brass , chipping rust , and slapping paint on bulkheads , and so far as being a deck officer goes , I 'm just where I started . ’
2 I 'm here whenever he comes .
3 I 'm here whenever you need me .
4 I 'm not where they think I am .
5 started along here , I turn through that , I walk along here I turn through that angle I walk along here I turn through that angle I walk along here I turn through that angle , I walk along here and turn through that angle and I 'm back where I started from .
6 DEFENCES Clive Greenacre , in his distrust , used his wife 's agoraphobia as a defence against his own need to be sure of her being safely where he left her .
7 This was quintessentially a redirection , redeployment and adaptation of the id , for hunting is self-evidently a highly aggressive and instinctually satisfying occupation ( which is presumably why it has been retained as a sport in more evolved societies ) .
8 Which is also why I feel that he ought to go to Ironcrest as well .
9 ‘ They had their own little bits of garden but they were never made to help when they were young , which is probably why they liked it all the more . ’
10 It would be hard to find three individuals more unalike than we are , which is probably why we 've stuck together all these years !
11 But the damage was done as far as my faith was concerned , which is probably why I went mad .
12 ‘ Why , oh why , oh why , ’ bemoaned a friend , sounding remarkably like a Gilbert O'Sullivan son , ‘ does Nick always want to make love in the morning , which is exactly when I do n't feel like it ?
13 It often stings a man into awareness , which is partly why he fears the feminine so much .
14 The trouble is that he is not a natural core forward , which is partly why he has been shifted from lock , but neither has he as yet convinced too many that he has that instinctive reaction in terms of man and/or ball which enables the born flanker to do his stuff .
15 The Perks come from the third planet of a G class system in the region of Betelgeuse , where they live in warrens , underground , which is perhaps why they took so readily to the tunnels of Plenty .
16 None of these structures competes with the others which is perhaps why they work as a trio .
17 Dorothy Sayers separates her description of the picture and her list of the fallen paints here by only a few pages ( which is perhaps why I guessed , for once ) but you can see how similar clues can be kept in two parts with dozens of pages between them .
18 Yes , Dutch , yes , no not as I say , not far away , that was Deut the first the first one we heard was Deutscheland , and that was the Dutch one , that 's the Netherlands one , erm , written a long time ago , written in the sixteenth century , written as a piece of music , erm , the tune , apparently very very old indeed , erm , and Mozart took the tune , and made variations on it , which is perhaps why it sounds familiar , you 've probably heard it somewhere else .
19 Which is precisely why we hope to … ’
20 And , as the Chancellor patiently explained at the beginning of his speech , the Budget deals with income , not expenditure , which is precisely why he wants to change it .
21 Which was probably why she decided to give it to him anyway .
22 He never admitted this to himself in so many words , which was probably why he had occasional attacks of breathlessness and a tendency to develop a rash behind his ears .
23 William was momentarily deflected from his frenetic attack on the meat and two veg , which was doubtless how he described it to himself .
24 He was n't sure he really wanted this , which was perhaps why he had not done much about it himself .
25 Or was that just based on you being there whenever you had to be there .
26 All the while she had been talking , she had been moving little by little to one side , her movements casual , and when she was exactly where she wanted to be she reached out and grasped , lifted , and swiftly jabbed the pitchfork that had been standing in the corner of the stall .
27 I mean , we were exactly where we said we were gon na be , but suddenly I did n't realise that he was boss .
28 You know , they might just get up a little way and then some bureaucracy knocks them down again and they 're back where they started .
29 They were not where she had expected to find them , in the big tallboy in the sitting room , in which lurked an unvisited confusion of old magazines , moth-eaten balls of knitting-wool , paper patterns , Edward 's school reports , Louise 's sketch pads , buttons , string .
30 Well you do n't , you do n't really look as if you need to lose weight cos it 's probably why you got a few stares , it 's like all the diet books that have sylphlike people on the front .
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