Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [adj] for us " in BNC.

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1 Hitherto , when they asked us to obey those laws , we have known that we could change them , but hereafter a combination of people with different languages , understandings and cultures can set , and are by combination setting , upon us standards , rules and laws which may be suitable for Greece , central or northern Europe , France or Spain but which are not right for us .
2 We have an intuitive grip on numerical non-identity which is wholly sufficient for us to judge proposed criteria of it .
3 A theorem which is very important for us and which proves not only that any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) do have a gcd , but much more besides is Theorem 1.4.4 Any two integers a , b ( not both zero ) have a unique positive gcd .
4 Which was pretty demoralizing for us that were in the water at the time but
5 In one of these early lessons he was very lucky in his teacher ; Miss Public House took him home on one of his first nights — she who usually never could be bothered — and in one exhausting night Miss P taught him everything he knew about how to make love without getting hurt or hurting anybody ( remember that in those days we were still getting used to the idea and still elaborating our repertoires of what you could and could n't do , which was very hard for us , for me anyway , since we had spent so long trying to forget the very word could n't ) .
6 You 're too big for us .
7 You 're too big for us .
8 She 's not responsible for us any more .
9 She 's too good for us , ’ Minna huffs .
10 She 's too good for us .
11 She did n't say and I , I never thought to ask her , no she did n't say so we 're just , that 's why really as I say I do n't , I think at first she was quite happy for us to go in and maybe take stuff in , but I do n't think she was happy about us doing structural things on it
12 We all make mistakes and whilst unwelcome they are often good for us because they jolt our complacency .
13 Horses also use other forms of communication , but they are more difficult for us to understand .
14 No , they were n't free for us .
15 They were too strong for us at this stage , and beat us by nine wickets .
16 Trouble is , some of them have made the mistake I think , of saying well it 's not good for us because we do n't do really old furniture you know .
17 It 's just right for us , of course .
18 J : You see , we 're all music fans , and it 's really hard for us to slag anything off , really .
19 I think it 's quite proper for us to be importunate and hammer on the door and say it again as , as the deliverance would have us say , and I 'm sure our Roman friends will understand our importunity .
20 I just think I just think it 's quite important for us all to realize I did a , when I used to do a similar job to this it took me a long time before I realized that the customer , you know on the phone does n't know that your you should n't have asked an open question there
21 One resident , Edith Vivian , 66 , said : ‘ It 's quite frightening for us to be broken into like this .
22 With everything going on about the Poll tax , it 's extremely easy for us to understand how they felt .
23 It 's certainly exciting for us to think that you will soon be with us more permanently .
24 If the boy knows we 're alive to his threat , he 'll just keep his schemes out of sight until it 's too late for us to do anything about him . ’
25 It 's too big for us to tackle , ’ said one , Keith Hill , his wife adding , ‘ We keep quiet because we see ourselves as second best — so we do n't make demands when perhaps we should . ’
26 erm Oh definitely yes , I mean when we 're trying to play passes over the top of their defence and they 're getting cut or they 're going straight through to the goalkeeper , it 's very frustrating for us , but really it 's just a case of plugging away and trying to get things to come right .
27 The impact of the section has been very broadly based in the city , and for the first time we 've added for you in very brief terms , a Domiciliary Health information of just the total number of visits made by the city health care , erm and the level of work in terms of notices served , and prosecutions , note , going up in most of the sections , particularly their units they 're small numbers , but they are significant , just the same , and the table on the top of page forty-four , erm as I said earlier , I think we reached the highest level of insect complaints in the summer that we 've ever had to deal with , it 's very usual for us to deal with a thousand , over in the summer period , this time we dealt with sixteen hundred .
28 I 'll be viewing the Methodist Church in quite a different way , but I think it 's very important for us to be made aware of how they do it erm for example , if you have erm a a or or and I do n't think any church has , are provided within that and gets alike .
29 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
30 We have this built-in repression , well , not repression exactly , but it 's very hard for us to say ‘ I love you ’ .
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