Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] because [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I am here because I choose to be , ’ she said sharply , despite the rapid race of her pulse .
2 I am here because I live here , but why are you here ? ’
3 I am here because you have a legacy from your father .
4 I am here because you belong to me . ’
5 The boys from the village kiss their girls when I am there because they do not care , but he only kisses them when he is being watched .
6 I 'm here because I got a bum stepfather .
7 ‘ Perhaps we should encourage young novelists ’ ; ‘ the Booker Prize is a media junket ’ ; ‘ actually , I 'm here because I wrote the book ’ .
8 ‘ Well , I 'm here because I want to help you … ‘
9 I 'm here because I want to be , because I like your company , and I think we should be enjoying it .
10 And I 'm here because I work in pencil .
11 And I 'm here because I work in pencil .
12 I 'm here because I wanted this job . ’
13 I 'm here because I drew the short straw when Jan Killeen was dishing out people to chair particular interest groups in preparation for this work , and I drew the job of chairing the group on private care issues .
14 I 'm not here just to be Chairman , I 'm here because I believe in things . ’
15 Mrs Thatcher herself supported this reading : ‘ I 'm here because I believe in things — because I 'm always thinking forward ’ ( speaking on Panorama , 25 January 1988 ) .
16 I 'm here because I believe that we share many objectives and because I know that there 's more that unites us than divides us .
17 I 'm here because you forced me to come , and I 'll leave as soon as you find your brother-in-law . ’
18 I was always Because I started later i was always very sort of worried in case I would n't you know , get the thing right .
19 ‘ [ W ] e must ensure that those who live in derelict inner-city areas are not people who are there because they have no choice and who would leave the moment they were given an alternative . ’
20 The panel will consist of a chairman and two or more additional people who are there because they have a particular area of expertise or responsibility .
21 You come to spend more time together than you are now because you go home in the evenings she goes out .
22 If you 're here because I said certain things about you after the race , you can sod off back south right now . ’
23 You 're here because I said you should be here . ’
24 ‘ I suppose you 're here because you heard that Riddle was the father of my baby ? ’
25 Erm you gave a a very full account of the sort of pressures that erm you were under because you did n't have a job and you related it to the necessity of involving yourself in what you euphemistically called the black economy .
26 Well I think , I 've got ta say that I think it might be ha it might be working better now with there but when not there and we go to and say can you tell me where X Y Z is , the response you 're gon na get is I 'm sorry I do n't know and the reason she wo n't know is that she 's never bothered to ask because she 's not talking so it 's okay while there but it wo n't be when she 's not because I 've had that , sorry I do n't know .
27 She was there because you had not kept your appointment with her and so she had to make her own way home in the dark . ’
28 It makes us look impressive , which we are n't because we did n't know the half of it either and had to look it all up .
29 We are here because we believe in long-term ship-building .
30 We are together because we get on well . ’
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