Example sentences of "[pron] be [adv] [adj] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 The hundred books on the table in front of me are so many tongs that pinch out the nerve of independent thought … one can not go one 's own way independently enough " ; and , from 1868 , a sardonic dismissal of " the philologists of our time " for " their joy at capturing worms and their indifference to the true problems , the urgent problems of life " .
2 There are not many caves that match this exacting prescription .
3 There are n't many things that could unsettle Christine Webber .
4 So again there are n't many things that do complete , swimming I think I far as I can see is the only one that does , but then again that depends on how you use the swimming , it , it just , just cos you bathes every week does n't necessarily mean that it does do it for you , it depends what you do , okay ?
5 As musicians , jazz poets and exponents of hardhitting lyrics there are n't many outfits that come even close to matching them for dynamism or style .
6 But Geoff said there are n't any bricks that are that much money anyway !
7 Perhaps I could er answer that in er I think there are probably four points that er come out to my mind erm the first one in the airframe engine combination , a very high degree of agility .
8 It carries paternal antigens and is therefore a foreign body that ought to be attacked , and to obviate this there are probably blocking factors that prevent the paternal antigens from eliciting any reaction .
9 There are just some things that do n't compliment each other , no matter how hard you try , and this is very trying .
10 About three-quarters of the judges are educated at public schools and Oxford or Cambridge , but there are also other factors that reinforce their exclusiveness : their socialization into the legal life via their training as barristers ( that is those entitled to appear in the higher courts ) and the need to demonstrate professional competence in order to ‘ take silk ’ , that is become a Queen 's Counsel and thus gain themselves a place among the elite of barristers from whom judges are chosen .
11 There are also other measures that can improve overall health and make the body more resilient .
12 There are also early signs that the increased cost of imports resulting from the devaluation of sterling last September is beginning to work through to the shops .
13 There are also ominous indications that these positive movements are coming under the severest threat .
14 There are also official histories that are commissioned by government , as well as the official reports of public enquiries .
15 But in South Africa today , and surely for a good many years to come , there are also additional considerations that demand from a large company actions and policies that go beyond its immediate business interests and seek to ameliorate the excessive social and economic imbalances that have developed in our society .
16 There are also clear indications that although the assassinations may have been carried out by low-ranking army officers the orders came from the military high command .
17 There are also independent schools that cater for pre-school children .
18 Conversely , there are also three factors that could swing the Test England 's way and ensure South Africa 's brief tour ends in defeat .
19 There are also several varieties that are viviparous — where the plants reproduce themselves by producing young plants vegetatively between the leaf sinus .
20 There are also numerous reports that sailing and other water-based recreational sports can have adverse affects on water-birds that abound on many of Britain 's artificially created reservoirs ( e.g. Tuite 1982 ) .
21 There are also specialized agencies that deal with nursing , catering and more manual occupations .
22 There are also optional cards that are offered by Toyota for the K858 , all in multiples of 12 stitch repeats .
23 There are already worrying signs that this is happening .
24 As soon as the list is complete , therefore , there are already several items that you can cross off , which gives you a flying start with the rest .
25 There are now six machines that play at the standard of the best 30 per cent of rated players , and three in the class of the top 20 per cent .
26 There are now encouraging signs that just such combined action is being taken .
27 There are now international proposals that banks in major countries should maintain capital reserves equal to 8% of their assets , weighted according to risk .
28 There are now several ways that you can remove unwanted hair , including shaving and depilatory creams at home , or waxing or electrolysis at a Salon .
29 There are now obvious signs that we are here to stay .
30 But there are now clear allegations that Prince Charles has had a loving friendship with Camilla , a married woman , for many years .
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