Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] [adv prt] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You said I 'll phone you if I 'm coming in for tea !
2 I 'm standing in for Stella — as I 've already told you . ’
3 I 'm sitting in for Bill Heine , who 's off for today .
4 He thought I was lashing about for excuses .
5 He took drugs , he said , ‘ because my parents had divorced and I was crying out for love .
6 With an annual rate of 5,000 unsolicited manuscripts , 90 per cent of which are turned down for publication , the editors are in a good position to choose exactly what is required for ‘ the rose of romance ’ brand-name .
7 She had earlier launched a claim that sex discrimination by senior officers and the Home Office had led to her being passed over for promotion nine times .
8 Two of his country houses , Eshton Hall , Yorkshire ( 1825–7 ) , and Underley Hall near Kirkby Lonsdale ( 1825–8 ) , are amongst the very earliest examples of this idiom , as well as being notably accomplished productions which were singled out for praise in Specimens of the Details of Elizabethan Architecture ( 1839 ) , by Henry Shaw [ q.v . ] .
9 She turned as her maid appeared from the anteroom with two dresses , one gold and one white , which were held up for Jane 's inspection.Jane pointed to the pale gold dress then returned her attention to the mirror .
10 They followed the Thames as it curved down past the Savoy Palace , Durham and York House , past the high-pooped ships scarred from long voyages which were crowding in for repairs .
11 It is thought that there might , it might have remained in the hands of some diplomats who were transferring it , and there were two of these issues , there is one in a private collection at present , so this is a second one , and number eight which is coming out for sale , but the number seven did change hands er a couple of years ago , so at about fifty five thousand pounds I believe .
12 These are combined to give an overall requirement which is grossed up for tax and converted into the local currency .
13 The Armenian Energy Ministry is intending to restart the ageing reactor at Medzamor , which was shut down for safety reasons after the earthquake in 1988 .
14 Iain Walker became well-known in climbing circles for accompanying the 1988 Bonington Menlungste expedition , which was dressed up for sponsorship purposes as a yeti hunt .
15 If you are setting out for Shrewsbury tomorrow , so must Saint Winifred .
16 except then if you 're writing off for money to places like Telecom and it 's a national logo
17 But they 're gone , and you 're scrabbling around for work .
18 that need , you know if you 're , unless you live sort of here you 're going up for appointments , doctors , whatever
19 I want my er if you 're going back for dinner , I want my camera and my film .
20 When you 're clearing up for lunch look out the window it 's the enclosed garden .
21 Cos when you 're sitting down for ages
22 People who were going in for fines and just daft shoplifting and that were getting their bairns taken away .
23 And you were jumping around for joy and saying
24 If you were contracted out for part of your working life , the DHSS tells your employer how much to pay as pension .
25 You were set up for life with them , ’ Olive Fitzgerald of the Samaritans , bracing for a flood of calls over the next few months on their telephone helpline , told Reuters ' man .
26 She 's written up for dihydrocodeine four-hourly . ’
27 That was the most appalling display she 's offered up for years .
28 I did n't bring anything to read , and papers bore me anyway , so I 'm wondering if I 'm the kind of guy who 's cut out for relationships .
29 and who 's going in for emergency surgery and whose chances of coming out are virtually nil anyway .
30 In fact : a full-length cinema-scope colour spread of BB on her stomach at the water 's edge displaying a bottom ‘ as bare as a censor 's eyeball ’ said Time ; BB rescued from the sea in a clinging wet dress ; her wedding night concealed behind some strategically tossed bed linen ; and her breasts showing in faint outline through the sheet she is holding up for modesty 's sake ( they were never seen unveiled ) .
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