Example sentences of "[pron] be [noun] in [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I know there are many , and I know that quite a few of you are students in the classes run by the Centre for Continuing Education .
2 One night , at the age of twenty-six , she was the victim of an appalling accident , when she was passenger in a sports car which ran out of control and somersaulted , landing upside down .
3 The remarkable performance by Barrie Edgington , who was second in the men 's Lechner sailboard , makes him an almost certain choice , and Stuart Childerley looks unbeatable in the Finn .
4 There are passages in the speeches in your Lordship 's House which support each of these views : but I think the true principle is contained simply in this : ‘ You must not injure your neighbour by your fault . ’
5 If by any chance there are errors in the minutes , then by accepting such a motion you are authorising the Chairman to sign the minutes complete with the errors as the correct record of the previous meeting .
6 You say there are discrepancies in the reservations and room rates .
7 Presumably you think there are faults in the books which could have been remedied by a change in the writer 's life .
8 THE first sight of Rothesay Pier with its clock tower , the Skeoch Woods beyond , spelt two weeks of freedom for more mammies and daddies than there are spokes in the wheels of a paddle-steamer .
9 You say there are holes in the timbers
10 There are goods in the stores , but prices are high and getting higher , as is unemployment .
11 This transformation is not without its enemies — there are posters in the windows of pubs , takeaways and other service outlets proclaiming : ‘ Say NO to homes , YES to leisure in Bognor town centre . ’
12 Often there are letters in the papers from parents who have sent off for T-shirts and pictures from a band 's fan club , only to have their cheque cashed and to receive nothing for months .
13 Previous research suggests that there are differences in the sentences received by employed and unemployed offenders , but there is little understanding of why this is , how important a person 's employment situation is in the sentencing process and the dilemmas faced by sentencers and those who advise them .
14 The question of whether there are differences in the experiences and success of female and male students with non-traditional qualifications in higher education is not one which has been extensively investigated .
15 Not only are there differences between schools within the same local authority area but there are differences in the ways in which each local authority organises its schools .
16 Nevertheless , there are differences in the ways that the speakers express their views , particularly with respect to the justifications they offer .
17 While not wishing to deny that there are differences in the ways executives , bureaucracies and assemblies operate compared with law courts , we suggest that the politics of any system can not be understood without some awareness of the crucial part played by law in its operations .
18 Men generally fail to realize that there are women in the pews in pain — and others have left .
19 There are frictions in the markets for capital , labour , and products , and it may take a long time for changes in the pattern of demand to work their way through the system .
20 I mean surely there are people in the careers ser
21 There are references in the sources to laeti , who were probably descended from barbarian soldiers settled within the empire .
22 There are increases in the numbers of synapses in the LPO , in the numbers of vesicles per synapse , and even in the length of the postsynaptic thickenings in left IMHV and LPO .
23 The State regards itself as threatened by Counter-revolution ; its apparatus of power is theoreti cally entitled to employ all means at its disposal ; the great leader person ally authorises the use of force ( and who dares contradict him ? ) ; the army and security forces lumber in with a grotesque over-use of fire power — in this case including heli copters — and within minutes there are bodies in the streets .
24 Already there are mutterings in the shires .
25 He said that , when looking at potential positive uses , there are clues in the effects which cannabis has on certain body functions .
26 There are glints in the grooves , a few rough edges , that show that these screws are often loosened .
27 If there were changes in the terminals at the presynaptic side , they would have to be measured using the electron microscope , however , for they are not visible at light microscope magnifications .
28 There were gatherings in the parks where young people read their poetry and sang and danced to the music of guitars ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 770 ) .
29 The system was unwieldy , since grant applications had to be submitted for some three hundred individual services , and there were problems in the calculations of costs and hence of the appropriate subsidy ( Joy 1973 : 127–31 ; Parker 1978 : 7 ) .
30 There were holes in the elbows and I must admit it had got so tatty that it was held together with nappy pins .
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