Example sentences of "[pron] a [noun sg] was [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In one of those asides , Johnson with the eye of a painter gives the last glimpse of these high ways in 1773 : ‘ Once we saw a corn field , in which a lady was walking with some gentlemen … ’
2 The doors opened and they stepped into a thickly carpeted , perfectly silent and very large room , again rampant with greenery , in which a girl was sitting behind a desk smiling brightly .
3 In September the DPP decided not to bring corporate manslaughter charges against British Rail after four people died in October 1987 when a river bridge at Glanrhyd , Dyfed , Wales , over which a train was travelling despite a red flood alert , collapsed .
4 It was of a harbour on a rough and windy day , which some small sailing ships were trying to enter with , it appeared to Ellie , no little difficulty , while behind them a steamer was cutting through the seas at great speed .
5 He peered closer at me and asked what an Englishman was doing in Paris .
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