Example sentences of "[pron] and i [verb] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Everyone started laughing and I was concerned that ‘ Jacki ’ might feel alienated but he immediately started laughing himself and I knew I 'd signed a character who 'd get on fine in Scotland . ’
2 She looked at me and I thought I saw something stirring in her watery blue eyes but it was just a random current fizzing somewhere .
3 Yes I believe those people exist and they frighten me and I want them destroyed .
4 With this fancy in my mind as I watch them pass , sometimes in that delusive light of Venice those ships seem to blur before me and I see them transmuted into vessels of the past .
5 I must have stood next to them in the Tube , passed them in the street , of course I 've overheard them and I knew they existed .
6 and there were about three of them and I know they had shafts and me mother used to say keep away from those shafts
7 I remember talking to you and I said I had erm friends from , that 's in Tipperary is n't it ?
8 Was that had we and I know we mentioned it when we met last time , but was that really we 're including in E O work with the unemployed .
9 But course when I opened it up Robert said Carolyn wanted that back he said she bought for herself and I said she did n't say that
10 I never liked him and I knew he hated me .
11 Indeed , I always had a sneaking admiration for him and I think he liked me for , as you know , it takes one rogue to recognise another .
12 And it concerned him an awful lot and it it it irritated him and frustrated him and I think he set his sights on trying to do something about it in his his way .
13 Benjamin whispered to her and I heard her hissed reply , followed by silence .
14 It all went according to plan for her and I think he expected the same for me .
15 Oh they and I guess it set a few farmers on his feet .
16 we rehearsed it and we rehearsed it and I mean I did n't mind they were paying the bill for and I literally with a college took up residence for several days before it in a local hotel and we went through it in every fine detail
17 But I mean it was it that we were taken to first , and I mean thee was a lot of people on it and I mean it had obviously saved a lot of lives .
18 Keith was with him through all of it and I think it made them very close , ’ adds Rigby .
19 And they spoke for themselves and I think they promoted us well .
20 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
21 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
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