Example sentences of "[pron] show that [adv] [adj] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Some 4,690 Wensleydale households took part in the survey which shows that nearly 10 per cent of local residents need immediate additional accommodation or will do so shortly .
2 The data which showed that only two per cent of calls came after 11 p.m. provided useful reassurance that statistically a broken night 's sleep was rare .
3 Dr Dan Wright , research officer , says : ‘ Our findings contrast very much with a similar but much smaller study in the US which showed that almost 100 per cent of the study remembered exactly what they were doing when Kennedy was killed . ’
4 The German Foreign Ministry called for a fairer distribution of the burden of aid to the CIS , citing figures produced by the European Commission which showed that about 75 per cent of all aid to the Soviet Union since September 1990 had come from the EC and 57 per cent from Germany alone ( the figure included humanitarian aid , credits and special payments for troop withdrawal made by Germany ) .
5 It showed that nearly 50 per cent of the country 's conifers , and more than 25 per cent of its broadleaved trees , suffered from moderate or severe leaf loss during 1990 .
6 In the reports it showed that only forty per cent of gay men were becoming infected , whereas ninety five per cent increase in heterosexuals , that 's very worrying .
7 It showed that only 35 per cent of the survey sample intended to pursue careers as engineers in industry .
8 It showed that only 35 per cent of the survey sample intended to pursue careers as engineers in industry .
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