Example sentences of "[pron] become [adv] [adj] that it " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , when I actually stopped to think about the problem I became uncomfortably aware that it was very unlikely that I would be able to obtain such commitment .
2 But they take it so , so strongly , they become so aggressive that it 's , it 's almost more trouble than it 's worth to mention it to people .
3 For it became increasingly obvious that it did not , as had been intended , miraculously detect native intelligence in children however uneducated , but , on the contrary , was strongly biased in favour of middle-class children who had larger vocabularies than their working-class contemporaries , and who were in any case accustomed to tests and examinations .
4 It seemed to be of horsemen having a nice peaceful ride in the wood — picnickers , almost — until I discovered the animal , when it became perfectly clear that it had been a hunting scene all along .
5 As the legal regime for the National Curriculum comes into effect , it becomes increasingly apparent that it represents not so much a ‘ straitjacket ’ but a ‘ corset ’ — holding things in place , while restricting , but not totally , freedom of movement !
6 The techniques of showing decisions and actions are graphical and easy to understand unless it becomes so large that it is difficult to follow .
7 Considering that there ate 168 hours in each week , it becomes quite obvious that it is unlikely that staffing rosters could be arranged which would permit the employment of full-time staff only .
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