Example sentences of "[pron] mean [pron] 's the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er of course it 's , it 's , it 's I think it 's more longwinded than er I mean it 's the first time you 've fully got into it , and it 's more longwinded than the fifteen minutes allows you erm but I , I thought you were doing quite well to be honest .
2 Well I mean it 's the first position ever of such sort .
3 I mean it 's the other way round and he is insanely in love with me , and April is mad with him because he is , and she is madder with me because I 'm not , since that is so insulting to them both . ’
4 It 's er I mean it 's the only thing to do is n't it ?
5 I mean it 's the annual meeting of the council that agrees the finance and everything else .
6 I mean it 's the best way to do it anyway , anyway , we should n't have .
7 I mean it 's the individual animals that have these properties are the ones that survive .
8 I mean it 's the last fortnight she 's meant to be studying and she 's been out with her boyfriends and
9 I mean it 's the same kind of adrenalin .
10 You do n't really I mean I think I do n't know maybe working for a char firm of chartered surveyors you have I mean it 's the same system is n't working as a dogsbody and then maybe
11 And there 's I mean it 's the same for us , as well so er
12 I mean it 's the same kind of thing is n't it ?
13 I know , I mean , I mean it 's the same thing is n't it ?
14 I mean it 's the old story , is n't it , one person who gets killed on a Bank Holiday car crash is not news but four getting killed together is a disaster , is newsworthy , I mean that 's the way it works .
15 Or if somebody has a premiere it means it 's the first time that they do something .
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