Example sentences of "[pron] must have [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This Melanie of his must have been a right madam , thought Leonora when Penry went off to get himself a glass of whisky .
2 I sent the cheque back , saying that although it had been immensely good of them to bring me up , I must have been a great burden and was now a disappointment , so I would prefer them to keep this money as some repayment for all they had done .
3 ‘ For once , not Rosemary , though I 'm getting more and more desperate about not knowing what to do for the best , ’ he confessed , but went on to explain , ‘ I spent a lot of time yesterday in realising that I must have been a real wet blanket when Naylor announced your engagement on Saturday . ’
4 I must have been a constant reminder of her , and he could n't bear it . ’
5 It has been plausibly argued that the cutting of the folds ( which is very shallow ) was done during a retouching of the colour ( something which must have been a regular operation ; on colour see below , p. 28 ) .
6 Uncle once set the leg of a bull in Sleetburn , which must have been a tricky job , and I well remember the occasion when one of our cows had a really bad calving and Uncle saw her through .
7 To support Wilfrid was also to engage in a protracted dispute which must have been a long-term embarrassment both to the Northumbrian king and the archbishop of Canterbury .
8 One of the craft was in a mighty hurry when he set Judas for Jesus at John vi.67 , as happened in 1609 ; and so was his descendant in 1653 when , at Corinthians vi.9 , he pronounced that ‘ the unrighteous shall inherit the kingdom of God ’ , which must have been a great comfort to a considerable number of citizens under the Commonwealth .
9 At one time , thinking of her childhood , which must have been a grey business , rather like a long , dull , cold Sunday , he had been furious with his father-in-law .
10 There are occasional references to fullers during the 13th and 14th centuries but theirs must have been a small scale operation compared to that encountered further downstream around Cirencester .
11 But this in itself must have been a difficult decision for the authorities : to dismiss her was to create a security risk and , as she had proved herself dishonest , to retain her was also a potential threat to Ultra .
12 ‘ Oh , but you must have been a little girl once , Headmistress .
13 She must have been a hundred miles away , she realised , trying to get her thoughts together .
14 Similarly Fawn Hall , asked by North to alter memoranda to conceal his work for the contras , remembered feeling uneasy : ‘ but I believe in Colonel North , and I know that there must have been a good reason why he was asking me to do this , and I — I did as I was told . ’
15 There must have been a good reason for the same method was also in use at other coach works .
16 There must have been a better breeze there .
17 There must have been a great fire .
18 • With Valentine 's day so near to the closing date , we were expecting hundreds of soppy cards , bouquets of flowers , bottles of champagne and heart-shaped chocolates to come flooding into the office — there must have been a postal strike .
19 There must have been a veritable orchard flourishing in her wake , which could account for the sudden urge to build an orangery among the nobbery .
20 There must have been a tacit appreciation among many potential benefactors at the end of the thirteenth century that there were already too many religious houses : whereas over seven hundred new houses had been founded in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , just over sixty followed in the next century and most of those were friaries .
21 There must have been a hundred of them — three flocks together — scrabbling over the stones , stretching out their necks and bleating .
22 And there must have been a hundred copies of a pamphlet on the campaign against street trading in animals .
23 We reckon there must have been a hundred at the meal .
24 The place was heaving when we arrived ; there must have been a thousand people squashed into the confines of the Blue Angel club , all waiting to do three minutes for Les Cox and his production team , sitting invisibly beyond the strong footlights on the small stage .
25 Instead , I simply assume that there must have been a valid reason for the cessation of emotional hostilities between us and have no desire to resume them .
26 After all , if I can get a book published as a " successful " student there must have been a dramatic change in my outlook .
27 There were thus several attempts to avoid the conclusion that there must have been a big bang singularity and hence a beginning of time .
28 Another attempt to avoid the conclusion that there must have been a big bang , and therefore a beginning of time , was made by two Russian scientists , Evgenii Lifshitz and Isaac Khalatnikov , in 1963 .
29 The final result was a joint paper by Penrose and myself in 1970 , which at last proved that there must have been a big bang singularity provided only that general relativity is correct and the universe contains as much matter as we observe .
30 There must have been a big business even when the deep litter started cos I can remember the farm next door to us working a deep litter .
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