Example sentences of "[pron] must have [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I must have a good game against him . ’
2 ( I 've done dozens of lectures now , in front of all sorts of people , and I always make it up as I go along , although I suppose I must have a rough idea about what I 'm going to say . )
3 But then I must have a cold shower .
4 Cm.918 , Financial Reporting to Parliament , which was published in January 1990 , outlines those components which must have a standard format and/or location within the report ( see below ) .
5 Components which must have a standard format and/or location within each report
6 They oversimplify the richness of reality and are , therefore , ignored by managers who must have a holistic view of situations and who , unlike some economists , can not wish reality away by ignoring the facts and instead expound on the theories … .
7 They have n't been fighting all these years to get rid of communism to see it re-emerge again so you , the confusion continues , as it is in Russia , and then you insinuate the idea that , with the breakdown of social order and so on , you must have a strong man , you must have strong arms and that 's where your Hitlers and your Mussolinis and all these people come through in that little vacuum in between of disorder .
8 In order to supply a local market you must have a regular demand for large orders otherwise distribution costs push the margins down so low , there is virtually no profit .
9 You must have a great father then .
10 You must have a great deal to talk about . ’
11 You must have a guilty conscience !
12 You must have a critical frame of mind for all historical work .
13 You must have a charmed life . ’
14 ‘ I 'm a great delegator , but it is important to delegate to those who are capable of carrying through the task and you must have a good report-back system . ’
15 In other words , you must have a good plan of what you propose to do and a realistic timetable from the outset .
16 ( a ) You must have a good framework of prior knowledge-of individuals , places , events , central ideas , etc .
17 You must have a good team with a good project manager on site .
18 You must have a good corset first , it 's of the greatest importance .
19 And you must have a good morning tomorrow with Karl . ’
20 ‘ Only a week , and you must have a good week .
21 You must have a generous benefactor . ’
22 The most important aspect of scanning is that you must have a clear picture of what you expect to see on each instrument .
23 You must have a sound knowledge of the life cycles , nutrition , and management of the different species of animals on your farm , and develop this skill to a point where you can notice , almost instinctively , the slightest signs that a beast is off-colour .
24 Finally , with regard to the WhatPC problem , you must have a stray batch file from one of our free cover disks lurking on your hard disk somewhere .
25 You must have a full meal with meat ’ . ’
26 ‘ T know you must have a full load so I 'll try not to be greedy .
27 You must have a pre-arranged signal and I 'd like to see it in action . ’
28 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
29 ’ And he said , ' Oh come on , you must have a favourite philosopher , everyone 's got one . ’
30 Every time you put some plant material in a book or press , you must have an efficient way of knowing the date on which you pressed those particular items , so that you know when to remove them .
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