Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Despite attempts in the middle of the nineteenth century to kill them off , the deer have returned .
2 The first person to teach it officially was probably Quatrefages in 1855 , in the professorship which existed in this subject at the Musée National in Paris .
3 I was the first person to take him simply as he was , and for that he showed his gratitude by giving me a light kiss on the cheek in the darkened carriage .
4 The French authorities did something to safeguard communal property among their Moslem subjects in Algeria , even though Napoleon III ( in the Senatus-Consulte of 1863 ) found it inconceivable that individual property rights in land should not be established formally among the members of Moslem communities ‘ where possible and opportune ’ , a measure which actually had the effect of permitting Europeans for the first time to buy them out .
5 Yes yes er and and the price it cost the er tax payers and rate payers of Nottingham in the first place to put it there yes .
6 The intention , says D , is to nurture new performers and broaden the scene 's support base : ‘ It 's up to us , the established people , to bring this thing further and then for the next wave to strengthen it even more . ’
7 With its trial balloon grounded again , the next attempt to patch it up came from Vincent Cannistraro , who claimed to have been in charge of the CIA 's contribution to the Flight 103 investigation until his retirement in September 1990 .
8 Oh , and a second time to tell me how pleased he was . ’
9 When the international loan you are proposing is less than sound , you may secure the guarantee of a third party to shore it up .
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