Example sentences of "[art] [num] [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In order to gain a deeper insight into the emergence of socialist realism in interwar France , it is clearly necessary to examine the significance of the 1934 Soviet Writers ' Congress during which the new literary ideology was officially consecrated .
2 It needs to be borne in mind initially that the ideas expressed in this statement of 1932 reflect the sectarian cultural views prevalent in communist circles following the 1930 Kharkov RAPP Congress , and prior to the 1934 Soviet Writers ' Congress .
3 There can be little doubt that Nizan was profoundly affected by the 1934 Soviet Writers ' Congress .
4 When the Stock Exchange opened the FT-SE index of the 100 largest companies ' shares jumped by more than 130 points and peaked at lunchtime with a 151-point rise .
5 An important development on entry to degree courses has been announced in the 1991 Scottish Universities ' Committee on Entrance Guide .
6 Sheringham was the scene of the famous ‘ what train ? ’ incident involving Joyce Wethered in the final of the 1920 English Ladies ' Championship ; Cromer witnessed the conception of the Curtis Cup when a British ladies ' team first met the Americans there in 1905 .
7 The NMA leadership and many rank-and-file members became increasingly disenchanted with MFGB strategy during the 1920 national miners ' strike and the 1921 lockout , and less than a third of Nottinghamshire miners bothered to vote in a 1921 ballot on whether to accept the offered settlement or continue the dispute ( Griffin , 1962 , p.91 , p.102 ) .
8 In East Berlin on Feb. 7 the three left-wing citizens ' movements ( New Forum , Democracy Now and Initiative for Peace and Human Rights — by then all represented in the government ) agreed to campaign together as the Electoral Alliance " 90 ( Wahlbündnis " 90 ) .
9 Your article gives the three main parties ' responses .
10 The political damage that may be done to governments by industrial conflict may be illustrated by the fall of the Heath government in the course of the 1973–4 British miners ' strike .
11 A participant in the 1922 Conservative under-secretaries ' revolt against the coalition government , he became home secretary in the Conservative government of 1922–4 .
12 The data shown in the tables have been weighted to allow for the 50 Tory marginals ' over-representation in the total sample .
13 In Japan during the 1920s expanding employers ' associations also became active in opposing government labour policy .
14 The two words , the one 19th-century soldiers ' slang , the other Sanskrit , exemplify the multiple enrichments of our language by those of the subcontinent .
15 Further , instead of taking the average of the twenty best years ' earnings after 1978 , SERPS will now take an average earnings of all years worked .
16 The two major unions ' struggle to establish themselves , together with the ideological differences between them , has led to repeated conflict , both at confederal level and within the railways .
17 That would not be welcomed by NASDAQ , the quote-driven over-the-counter market that has usurped much of the two older exchanges ' business .
18 In the Netherlands , as a result of a long history of legislative enactment in socio-economic affairs and close involvement of unions and employers with government in this area the two national employers ' confederations ( denominational and non-denominational ) also carry somewhat greater weight than their member associations .
19 By January 1928 the preparatory negotiations were going on between the TUC and the Confederation of Employers Organizations and the Federation of British Industries , the two main employers ' organisations .
20 In consequence , the Joint Contract Tribunal ( JCT ) extended their terms of reference to assume responsibility for the production of standard forms of subcontract and at the same time enlarged their membership by inviting the two main subcontractors ' organisations to become constituent bodies .
21 This time the four definitive gricers ' bibles of the time come in one small , hardbacked ( and thus very easily pocketed ) volume with many pictures and full shed lists ( complete with the names of Loco Superintendents and Chief Mechanical Engineers ? ) which would have been important information for spotters of the time .
22 The Welsh farmer 's son had the 1988 conditional jockeys ' title already in the bag , and the ink was hardly dry on a retainer with Lambourn handler Captain Tim Forster .
23 Erm , it 's again recognized in the S S As that it is more social factors that impact on the need to spend on children 's services , and therefore things like single parent families , the level of family income and these tend to have a greater impact , but it would be foolish to assume that with a higher child population you are not going to get more demands on children 's services , and therefore we have provided a fifty thousand pounds ' provision within that to take care of problems .
24 More than a dozen other candidates ' names — some frivolous , others serious — have been bandied about , particularly since Lord Wilson 's departure was brutally disclosed four months early by his elevation to the peerage at New Year .
25 More Tory ( 54 ) than Labour ( 28 ) MPs supported a 1926 Private Members ' bill to enable local authority welfare centres to give family-planning advice to married women .
26 Sir Alexander , Professor of Medicine at the King 's College , revealed that in peacetime Aberdeen exported a hundred thousand pounds ' worth of stockings a year , and in wartime a hundred and seventy thousand .
27 At a casual glance , Connections appears to possess all the erotic aesthetics of the Adam and Eve , and , therefore , all the erotic aesthetics of a mid-Seventies young offenders ' institute situated on the outskirts of Cardiff .
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