Example sentences of "[art] [num] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 Following the 1972 introduction of double-deckers in regular service to Fleetwood , with double the capacity of the single-deckers , the headway dropped to 12 minutes .
2 The data used by Sear was provided by the Universities Statistical Record and covered the 1979 graduates from universities in Britain , broken down by degree class , age , and A-level points score ( this being measured on the conventional UCCA scale ) .
3 Of the 12,000 miles of rivers in England and Wales , a measly 1,700 miles of non-tidal river are open to us as of right .
4 Beck 's ‘ Bill of Rights for a Work of Art ’ , published in the 1991 issue of Notes in the History of Art asserts :
5 The three areas with farmers in the upper age brackets often had their families working on the farm .
6 Calcium increased faecal fat excretion in two of the three pairs of groups in which this was measured ( Table VIII ; p set at <0.02 because of multiple testing ) .
7 Most of the 87 appointments of arbitrators in respect of building contracts and sub-contracts were under JCT conditions , namely : .
8 Doyle went through the pockets of the two pairs of slacks in the suitcase , but they were empty .
9 They could even have suspected me had they not found the two sets of footprints in the soft snow right up to the very hedge where Martin was hiding .
10 The reason why the two sets of coefficients in equations ( 3.3 ) and ( 3.4 ) should be the same under rational expectations can be seen clearly if we subtract equation ( 3.4 ) from equation ( 3.3 ) to obtain :
11 The similarities between the two groups of practices in the proportion going to private clinics in each individual specialty ( table VI ) were much more striking than the differences .
12 But she shut up and lay back forcing her eyes to focus on the two groups of men in their different coloured shirts battling for the ball .
13 The balance of usage between the two types of consultancies in the survey varied according to the salary level and functional area of the position involved , and the experience of the executive handling recruitment in terms of contact with search consultants .
14 The persistence of this balance has placed the two sides in positions in which each is seeking something apparently unattainable .
15 Here Miss Wharton , as was her custom each Wednesday and Friday , would weed out the dead flowers from the vase in front of the statue of the Virgin , scrape the wax and candle stubs from the brass holders , dust the two rows of chairs in the Lady Chapel , which would be adequate for the small congregation expected at that morning 's early Mass , and make everything ready for the arrival at nine twenty of Father Barnes .
16 Then knit the two blank rows in one colour , the two rows of holes in a second colour and get a lovely misty effect .
17 But the bias towards defence and security ( which have historically been natural right-wing issues ) might well persist and offset Labour 's advantage as the incumbent government , unless the 1989 Year of Revolutions in Eastern Europe ushers in a new era of world peace and tranquillity .
18 A count of the 237 heads of households in the 1851 census returns reveals that 143 ( that is 60 per cent ) were framework knitters .
19 Furthermore , he published the results of his excavations fully in the four volumes of Excavations in Cranborne Chase , which have been a model for subsequent excavation reports .
20 These include the work on the side altars , the four Evangelists in niches in the nave and the confessionals .
21 Me father drove here once and found a dozen men in balaclavas in the yard , it 's said .
22 There are almost a thousand set of bones in all .
23 Other news now , and it 's more than a thousand days since Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza strip began the Intifada or uprising which has cost hundreds of Arab lives .
24 A similar picture of female powerlessness and male dominance in respect to fertility control is given in a 1950 portrait of families in Ship Street , Liverpool .
25 The recommendation will be put by the ITF 's Rules of Tennis Committee to the Committee of Management in Paris in June and if accepted , it will travel to the Dominican Republic in September for presentation to the ITF Annual General Meeting , where , if it receives a majority from delegates in attendance , it will become the first time that a new rule has been introduced since 1989 , when the tie break was standardised .
26 With the partial exception of the two decades which followed the Treaty of Utrecht ( and even then there were probably never less than half a million men under arms in Europe ) there was scarcely a year in the century during which a large-scale struggle was not either raging or threatened in some part of the continent .
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