Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun sg] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There is an instruction which compares two fields for equality or non-equality , and in the latter case it indicates which field is greater .
2 The Archbishop of Canterbury and the bishops renewed the sentence of excommunication against the violators of the Charters in 1239 and in 1253 ; in the latter year they secured its confirmation by Pope Innocent IV .
3 Although a separate issue which was not on the Forum 's agenda , the ‘ Let ’ proposal nevertheless drew much adverse comment from many of those present , including Stefan Edberg and Steffi Graf , the latter player who thought it ‘ silly ’ .
4 Indeed , the more he thought about it , the less appetite he found he had for it .
5 The greater trust a manager places in subordinates , the less control he retains himself .
6 We said yesterday , journalists are frequently very pushed for time , some of them are lazy , and the more help you give them , and the same is true for radio , the better .
7 The more we flounder , the more enjoyment we give them . ’
8 The more paper we send 'em , the more money we 're gon na get next year — that 's all those shitheads understand .
9 but the other one , they did this vi video diary that they each spoke on and he was getting more upset , the more weight she lost he was more discontent in saying that
10 In the latter case one is confronted by something like a functioning assembly which needs to be dismantled and analysed before it can be understood , whereas in the former case one has something much more like an ‘ exploded ’ view of things as seen in a working drawing .
11 Speaking before business , civic and other groups Reagan was an impressive performer according to the former newspaperman who organized his early GE tours .
12 The same way we know what you 're in for , ’ he said .
13 Just in the same way he bullies everyone below him .
14 In the same way he abandoned his family 's Whig politics to become a pillar of the ‘ Church interest ’ , influenced first by his fellow Welshman , Francis Gwyn , and later falling under the spell of a fellow refugee from a Presbyterian past , Robert Harley , first Earl of Oxford [ qq.v . ] .
15 The same way I got us out of the alleyway when the grenade blew up . ’
16 Your caravan is like a second home so you should protect it and its contents in exactly the same way you protect your house or flat .
17 The same way you expect me to keep myself for your use now , ’ Maria snapped derisively , scalded by the shame of the knowledge that that was exactly what she was going to do , and tired of hearing about her supposed affair with Florian .
18 If a two-dimensional creature ate something it could not digest completely , it would have to bring up the remains the same way it swallowed them , because if there were a passage right through its body , it would divide the creature into two separate halves ; our two-dimensional being would fall apart ( Fig. 10.8 ) .
19 Winter corn must not be sown in the same land which produced it , but should be brought from distant parts to ensure a better crop , but lent corn may be sown from the lord 's own seed .
20 Er again , it 's all down to where you 're going to stand to take the photograph , and I 'm not so sure that you I think you 've gone a little , no you know , I , I criticized the other one a bit , from the same person I think it possibly is because it 's the same style , the same sort of mounting .
21 ‘ The most fortunate thing was that we found out he came from a village in Essex and by sheer chance Mr Woods came from the same county and knew the same village which gave them something to talk about . ’
22 SCOTLAND will bid to lift their third Triple Crown in nine years when they travel to Twickenham on Saturday week with the same line-up which did them proud in the 20-0 victory over Wales .
23 And any relation between members of the same sex which allowed their difference , did not assimilate both to one fantasy , would be heterosexual . ’
24 ‘ I 'm the world champion I know , but I 'm still the same boy who raced his Vespa through the streets of Riolo . ’
25 The same story you told me the last time we met , ’ she said with a sneer .
26 In the same year he made his first parachute jump from an airship .
27 In 1905 , the same year he wrote his paper on the special theory of relativity , Einstein also wrote about a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect .
28 On 27 September of the same year he published his first book , Galfredus Petrus , Opus sane de deorum dearumque gentilium genealogia ( STC 19816.5 ) , from his new premises near the conduit in Fleet Street , where his printing-house remained for the rest of his life .
29 The same year he reported his findings into the Ministry of Commerce after his two year probe into company law as chairman of the Company Law Committee .
30 In the same year he used his interest with the tenth Baron Petre to secure the parliamentary seat of Thetford ( 31 electors ) with the approval of Petre 's guardian , Charles Howard , eleventh Duke of Norfolk [ q.v . ] .
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