Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [unc] [noun] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Initially this satisfied the Marne growers , since they were pleased that the government had not ratified the Aube 's claim that it too was part of Champagne .
2 It described as exaggerated the FMLN 's claim that it controlled 5,000 sq km of territory — a quarter of the country .
3 A second round of talks between the government and the ANC in early August was followed by the ANC 's announcement that it had decided to suspend its armed struggle ; all activities by the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , would cease .
4 ‘ I see no prospect of improvement in the North 's economy and it seems ridiculous to talk about an upturn .
5 Given the CEGB 's assertion that it might take ‘ decades or even centuries ’ for soils to recover , Robert Jones MP wanted to know , ‘ is that not all the more reason for getting on with it as quickly as possible and on as wide a scale as possible ? ,
6 It also appeared to contradict the SIB 's acceptance that it was , to some degree at least , involved in the regulatory problems highlighted by the Robert Maxwell scandal .
7 Although commercial shipping is no less in need of the RNLI 's services than it was , launches to pleasure boats and fishing vessels have risen in recent years .
8 Vinelott J rejected the SFO 's argument that it had an untrammelled right to require the production and use of the evidence in the transcript ; that argument had been advanced and rejected when the liquidators applied for an order to examination ( In re Arrows Ltd [ 1992 ] 2 WLR 923 ) .
9 The row grew into one of the most embarrassing in the BBC 's history after it was revealed that Mr Birt had been employed as a freelance to gain tax advantages in his £140,000-a-year job .
10 The confidential reports , leaked by the unions , were compiled by 15 internal ‘ taskforces ’ charged with considering the BBC 's prospects as it gears up for the public debate over renewing its royal charter in 1996 .
11 But , reflecting the Bundesbank 's concern that it should not have to endanger its own money-supply targets by supporting every sick currency , they say there should be no rigid rules on who has to intervene when .
12 But Thomson has rejected the IEE 's offers and it now looks certain that the anniversary will be missed .
13 The sun was still bright as we approached the Quigleys ' house but it did n't seem to have reached their road , which was the same as it ever was : dank and green and desperately quiet .
14 The DEDNI 's suggestion that it might encourage companies to testdrill on Cavehill , particularly for gold , has led to the formation of the Save the Cavehill Campaign in Belfast , while in west Belfast the Black Mountain Action Committee is trying to save the Mountain from disappearing through quarrying activities — the committee has found local people to be suffering from health problems , particularly of the eyes and throat , related to dust from the quarrying .
15 Easterners are especially dissatisfied with the EC 's claim that it is doing the best it can for them .
16 The BMA 's understanding when it left last Wednesday 's talks , he said , was that that no longer applied .
17 It grew colder still as the night fell , a crackling frost under a sickle moon , but the coldness did not reach into the Norderns ' flat and it would not have done so even had the central heating broken down , the joy and relief of the family generating enough warmth to melt the polar ice-cap if necessary .
18 It might be the IB 's problem but it 's not mine or my team 's problem ’ .
19 It 's more of an English tweed suit of a butterfly than a Sultan 's robe but it has its own uniqueness and beauty .
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