Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [noun] when [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 We helped each other with homework and went together to the Giardino Pubblico when we finished lessons early .
2 Of these eight are from Miller and they give an insight into the work of the Chelsea Gardener when he had probably reached the peak of his career .
3 I do n't see how she can do the hours , with the hours that she 's doing , I mean she 's still in the Penny Farthing when I came here cos I went to pay her the money .
4 Less than a year later Rust and Sabrina were on a routine stakeout at the Marseilles docks when they had come under heavy fire from a gang of drug smugglers and Rust was hit in the spine , leaving him paralysed from the waist down .
5 There was jubilation from the Bessbrook camp when they regained the Ulster title they lost last year by coming first in Grade Two with a clear three points lead .
6 Last week Douglas Hurd made a U-turn over the Maastricht bill when he apologised to the Commons for inaccurate legal advice given previously by Mr Garel-Jones about the status of the social chapter amendment .
7 The operation was running smoothly as the yacht rounded the North Foreland when it seemed certain that a landing would be made somewhere in the Thames Estuary .
8 In a letter to town magistrates in 1892 he asked if his body could be stuffed and placed in a glass cabinet next to the Pease Monument when he died .
9 Lear only sought employment under the Gould regime when he had been forced to abandon the Parrots , and the Goulds were about to start on their second publication .
10 Taylor yesterday underlined the lighter mood in the England camp when he kidded journalists : ‘ I am afraid Gazza 's taken a bad knock and I 've drafted in Vinnie Jones … ’
11 When Operation Gentle Shepherd swung into action for the second time , five of the six sperm whales were coaxed by 14 rescue vessels between the islands of Swona and South Ronaldsay and were heading for the Pentland Firth when they dived beneath the waves .
12 The problem of Multilateral versus Multinational nuclear forces became another legacy bequeathed to the Wilson Government when it came to power .
13 His son took over the Kirkwall Hotel when he grew up .
14 A pleasant week in the Bristol Channel when we reached Bristol once more , then on to the Scillies in a nasty little summer gale , finally reaching Southampton at the end of June .
15 The activities of the NL were primarily restricted to private meetings in 1938 , although it was connected with the Militant Christian Patriots at the end of the Munich Crisis when it urged Chamberlain not to get Britain involved in Jewish designs for a world war .
16 Great Britain went 2–1 up in the four-match Test series against the United States when they defeated them 8–3 at Old Dominian , Virginia , on Saturday .
17 We were using the UK schedule when we said to expect them by the end of this month .
18 MY WIFE and I were walking in the Lake District when I slipped and fell .
19 Johan was one of the patrons at the Bath Festival when we met .
20 Then I remember getting the Ramones album when I 'd just turned sixteen .
21 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
22 The boat was mooring up on the River Severn when it rolled over , trapping two of them underwater .
23 Remember the hype over the last Winter Olympic hopefuls , or the Seoul Games when we did n't land a single gold in track and field .
24 In all this Basil 's sense of humour , kindliness , and perception both of personalities as well as of every aspect of the visual arts , were a great help and encouragement to me , and I shall always be grateful for those years in , the West Riding when I knew and worked with him .
25 He saw the West Indies when they played at Feethams last summer and was introduced to the team .
26 BRITON Michael Ford called in the US Navy when he fell ill on a Greek holiday — and was treated like an admiral .
27 I was just walking back past the big , black marble vault belonging to the Chatwin family when somebody dodged out from behind it and grabbed me from the back .
28 Pa had all the good stuff stored in the Dower House when we had to leave , and Nanny 's there now , looking after it .
29 O'Keeffe 's immediate reaction to the criticism generated by the 1923 show is not known , but it is clear from a letter she wrote to Mitchell Kennerley of the Anderson Gallery in the autumn of 1922 , soon after Rosenfeld 's second article appeared , that she had objected from the beginning to Hartley 's and Rosenfeld 's assessments of her and her art : ‘ You see Rosenfeld 's articles have embarrassed me — [ and ] I wanted to lose the one for the Hartley book when I had the only copy of it to read — so it could n't be in the book . ’
30 One man died on board the Reine Mathilde when it caught fire on April 9 , sailing between Caen in France and Portsmouth , England , although not directly as a result of the fire ; arson was not suspected .
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