Example sentences of "[art] [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 A belligerent bat and adhesive catcher , Taylor certainly enjoyed one of the more auspicious starts to a county career , taking a century off the Sri Lankans on debut in 1979 then claiming four Gold Awards in his first five Benson & Hedges Cup ties .
32 The direct debit is the more flexible to use of the two because the amount can be adjusted for VAT or other changes .
33 So , one key feature of these early surveys was the assumption that the greater the absolute size of the population studied and the closer this approximated to the total population of the country , the better .
34 Kubota was the very first to declare for the Alpha RISC , and the Japanese farm equipment manufacturer says it plans to market DEC computers in Japan and the US .
35 The hag-faced look of the very young mellows by the time the chicks are about six weeks old .
36 ( Even nursing of the terminally sick relates to the significance of death as the end of a complete human life , not just to the final days in hospital . )
37 Canon law prescribed that every physician , before attempting a cure , must persuade the mentally ill to apply to the physicians of the soul , their confessors .
38 The day of the flight dawned bright and sunny , frosty to start with and a little hazy looking into the sun , but good VFR weather .
39 ‘ But , given your aunt 's absent-mindedness , do n't you think it might have been a little premature to call in the police ? ’
40 ( If they sound a little harassed , please bear in mind that they are new to the system and so may take a little longer to respond in the first few weeks of live running . )
41 Use of a highly similar construct for the second axis means that the resulting map represents only one rather than two dimensions of judgment .
42 It was a highly artificial construct with no precise parallel in any other health care system , and predictions about its performance were hard to make .
43 Like the rest of us , he knew , or thought he knew , that in the 18th century ‘ the riot was probably a more effective curb on the government ’ than either the Lords or the House of Commons — ‘ England 's strongest countervailing force ’ .
44 It is no more possible to pass between the dates which compose the different domains than it is to do so between natural and irrational numbers .
45 The Fifties graduate mothers were no more inclined to argue with the infallibility of Freud than monsignori argued with the infallibility of the Pope .
46 But someone committed to a thorough-going naturalism is no more prepared to allow to the mind mysterious properties than he is prepared to allow them to matter : for the thorough-going naturalist , after all , mind is no more than a manifestation of matter .
47 But it is also plain that despite sterling 's depreciation to a rate at which it might be reasonably competitive within the Exchange Rate Mechanism , Mrs Thatcher 's team are no more ready to sign on the dotted line than they were in Madrid this summer .
48 This is true even though the approach may vary from a fairly soft sell in the " advertorial " to quite a strong sales pitch in the special offer .
49 Swindon 's got a really northern feel as a town and I 'm from the north of England myself .
50 There is a curiously dull feel to the LP , like Marley was burnt-out like the spliff on the back .
51 Er to reach our target objectives we ha we need a very strong sell to the trade .
52 The interesting point is that , that I feel is , that this is , this , this , this all has a very heavy bearing on the regulatory system , because I think that really we 're now being financial services is a global village and you know whether somebody picks up a phone and di I think in fact did n't you have somebody gave evidence here and said that they could not investigate one of Maxwell 's transactions , because it had gone through the New York office .
53 For a supposedly religious ceremony there is a very secular feel about the whole affair .
54 A very few ditched in the Channel and were picked up by Air Sea Rescue , but the majority were posted ‘ missing , believed killed ’ and were never heard of again .
55 A Very light flickered into the sky away to the south : other raiders were in action .
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