Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] would [vb infin] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you had n't put the chain on the gate , the signs would have stopped the human , ’ said Nisodemus .
2 Perhaps the Russians would have felt the pressure then and not looked so silky on the ball .
3 Along with the products would have gone a lot more of the people than USL cut loose right before it got bought .
4 Just waiting for the flash line to ring , not even knowing whether the kidnappers would have heard the radio show at all , or how they would react if they had , made Sam nauseous from stress .
5 If they were to escape back through the trench they would have to move quickly ; any moment now the sepoys would have crossed the yard from the hospital and outflanked them .
6 Once Deano/Whelan/Wallace had built up an understanding then the goals would have come a lot easier .
7 — that in Newham each such client cost £92 a week less in the community , and in Ipswich £108 less ( even with Home Support Project input ) than in an institution , assuming that two-thirds of the clients would have entered a hospital and one-third residential accommodation ( see Table 3.5 ) .
8 The pressure on the welders would have involved a very high rejection rate — a problem overcome by robot welding .
9 Surely , if the French incursion was serious , the Prussians would have sent a more urgent messenger ?
10 The rounds would have extended the stage-set character of the architecture .
11 Sir Leon Brittan , the EC Commissioner responsible for competition , said that the companies would have acquired a 50 per cent share of the world market for commuter aircraft of 20-70 seats and 67 per cent of the EC market .
12 Absolute fidelity to the prototypes would have demanded the use of stone mullions , sills and lintels framing wrought-iron casements as well as the reproduction of the segmental-arched profile which caps each opening .
13 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
14 At Newport the troops would have taken an hour 's rest and then made in several extended columns for the northern shore of the island , to occupy it in its entirety .
15 Almost certainly some of the workers would have left the area .
16 This case falls within ( a ) : the school was so over-subscribed that to admit all the applicants would have prejudiced the provision of efficient education .
17 To have quoted a range of rates ( often varying quite widely around these typical figures ) would of course have been more comprehensive , but less helpful because of the way that the extremes of the ranges would have blurred the comparison between types .
18 An invigoratingly stormy relationship was in the making and if Nicholson had been gossip-column fodder at the time , the writers would have had a field day .
19 But he would have preferred Lord Halifax to Churchill as prime minister in 1940 and even in retrospect believed that the country would have fought the war better under Halifax and that the admirals and the generals would have had a less neurotic time .
20 But there again , he never sent her to the really big houses because , as he said , if there was anything going , the servants would have had the first pick .
21 If Cuba had not undergone this ordeal , it is very likely that the Americans would have organised an invasion to liquidate Cuba 's socialist way of life .
22 The controls are slow and unresponsive — let's face it , with the amount of platform beat-'em-ups around you 'd have thought the programmers would 've given a bit more care and attention to this aspect , not to mention the graphics , presentation … the game in general really .
23 had selected another proxy for their tests , the results would have supported the traditional risk-free rate version of the CAPM rather than the zero-beta variant .
24 had committed against the barge hirers the tort of procuring breaches of their contract with their men — the plaintiffs would have had a cause of action not only in respect of breaches of hiring contracts but also in respect of new business they were unable to undertake .
25 The Court of Appeal said that the plaintiffs would have had the right to review Coopers ' decision only if there could be implied into the original agreement words describing this kind of challenge which qualified the " final and binding " description of the decision in the appropriate manner .
26 ‘ You 'd have thought the police would have sent a car , ’ said Fenella loudly .
27 " Your father thought one of the others would have blown the gaff to me — presumably they thought he had — the net result , as always when you leave it to George , being that nobody told me a thing .
28 For instance , take Blind Willie Johnson ( one of Cooder 's big early blues influences ) ; he was from Texas and lived near Dallas , so there 's a good chance the Hawaiians would have visited the area .
29 Pressures were now underway for decolonisation and , in any case , the economic exploitation of the colonies would have required a massive capital outlay which Europe could not possibly finance .
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