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1 Andreeva went on to complain of historical plays , such as those of Mikhail Shatrov , which were arbitrary in their interpretation and close to the views that had been put forward by Lenin 's opponents , and she deplored the obsessive interest in Stalin among many writers , obscuring the fact that his was a complex and transitional period in which industrialisation , collectivisation and a cultural revolution had brought the USSR into the ranks of the great powers .
2 I believe that that would be useful , because some aspects of the proposals that have been put forward , not least on the Scottish convention , bear a great deal of scrutiny and the real choices have not been put forward .
3 Therefore the pieces that have been put together in the following pages as possible audition selections are from writers who have gained , or are now gaining , a major place in contemporary theatre .
4 I believe that the House should insist er that the not only should th should be a majority o of local of of of local authority members , but these so-called independent members are really quite superfluous to requirements they are p they are creating another kind of semi-quango , they are concentrating more power into the hands of the Home Secretary and for that reason , although I do not wholly agree with the amendments that have been put down , I shall certainly vote for them all .
5 These , on the arguments that have been put forward above , would be likely to vary according to the nature of the relationship of the state enterprise to other state agencies .
6 With the approaching end of war in 1918 coalition became more positive because the coalition now had to deal with the issues that had been put aside for the duration , and more controversial because this pushed some Unionists into outright opposition .
7 of the services that have been put out to tender have been won in-house despite the fact that in-house organisations can not develop the capital investment and lease equipment in the same way as the private sector .
8 Within that pack there is erm er if you like the book that takes you through the slides that have been put up there today .
9 It confounds the rumours that have been put about that the Government are running out of steam .
10 Some of the facts that 's been put forward today , I would remind that you that the financial rumblings of the D E at the moment about poll tax levels for this year , standing spending assessments , the increased capping powers that Mister Heseltine will bring forward will make it extremely difficult in this year .
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