Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] of [noun] [vb past] out " in BNC.

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1 The claims of the opponents of monopoly turned out to be reasonably justified ; more and more slaves were shipped across the Atlantic by the independent traders , and the government found itself drawn further and further into keeping up the forts that provided English traders with a base of operations in West Africa .
2 All the bells of hell rang out in a wild cacophony .
3 The branches of trees stretched out as if to peer over mill walls or rest themselves against the windowless rear walls of factory buildings .
4 It seeks only to open up the lines of enquiry sketched out here ; and it does so in the hope that by bringing them into the debate , it may contribute towards a fuller and more objective assessment of Mary 's reign — and Mary 's misfortunes .
5 The lights of Alcatraz stood out like a ship in the bay , while on the other side shone the twinkling lights of Berkeley .
6 And then the last is if the portions of land rented out by rich peasants of a semi-landlord type exceed in size the land held by themselves and by their hired labour the land rented out shall be requisitioned .
7 Maybe partners will come to feel that schools will respond better to the aims of education set out in the 1988 Education Act if they are not tied to curricula based on the traditional subjects alone .
8 The assistant recorder was right to find , as he did , that the allegations of agency set out in the defence had not been made out .
9 The Bishops of Winchester laid out a new town at their manor of Downton in Wiltshire , in 1208–9 .
10 PAMELA : When I did sit in Babylon , The rivers round about , Then in remembrance of Zion , The tears of grief burst out .
11 She wanted , as the strands of trees drew out , to be beneath him in the bare and leafless brown of a wood .
12 Findings obtained with brain-damaged patients are discussed first , followed by the results of studies carried out with normal subjects .
13 Theresa rubbed her hands together to bring some life back into them and bent over the sheets of paper laid out on her work table , trying to forget the cold and concentrate on her designs .
14 About one-third of the total number of children in care are in foster homes , but the proportions of children boarded out vary between different areas .
15 She touched buttons on the console and the faces of Jonathan blacked out .
16 The shards of horn stood out starkly against the snow-cloud sky .
17 Then there is a section which deals with the citation of authority by the parties , whether a welfare report has been considered , and the pro forma is dealing with cases where specifically the welfare check list has to be considered and the suggestion is made that each of the considerations under section 1(3) ( a ) to ( g ) are set out individually and the judgment or the findings of fact set out under each paragraph .
18 Wednesday morning , 16 April 1746 , rained , it was chilly , and the citizens of Inverness came out from the town to view this spectator sport .
19 But as the ripples of recession spread out from the capital and prices at last start tumbling in Scotland , there are signs that values are stabilising back where it all began .
20 Still the mannequins were appearing , their elongated clothes-horse frames moving with a grace which belied their tight-drawn nerves , still the bursts of applause rang out to drown the persistent clicking of the cameras , but Harriet leaned back against her pillar almost oblivious to them .
21 Six weeks or so later my novel The Rivers of Babylon came out .
22 By the time he climbed stiffly out of bed he knew it was just past noon and had the events of Rotherhithe roughed out in his mind like a draft report .
23 Professional chemists are very suitable for this type of study ; it is possible to classify the types of work carried out , and other aspects of each job held over the career , in a clear and systematic way .
24 The supplies of flour ran out .
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