Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] of [noun] [vb past] not " in BNC.

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1 The journalists of Esquire did not specify the names of this country 's worst -dressed men .
2 If the trumpets of Britain had not been blown loud and long from St Mary 's , a different myth would have grown giving all the credit to America .
3 He failed too , removed by assassination ; but the failure goes deeper : Macedon succeeded where the tyrants of Thessaly did not , precisely because the polis life in Thessaly , which on the economic level made possible the rise of a tyranny , prevented one man from imposing his authority permanently like an Archelaos or a Philip ; that was because on the political level the word polis implied what it had not implied in 650 BC : self-determination .
4 But Lloyd George underestimated the soundness of that edifice ; and the fact that the sinews of government did not atrophy after the British departure can largely be ascribed to the tradition of service personified by ‘ Rag ’ Pillai .
5 Tit-for-tat exchanges between the communities of Cairo did not necessarily end just because a man had been killed .
6 The companies of players did not perceive their plays as fixed texts , literary works which they felt some obligation to present accurately .
7 The years of decline had not really been reversed .
8 Some of the magnates of York had not shared his ambitions either , one had to believe .
9 It is a pity the needs of users did not rank too highly before £400m poured down the drain .
10 If , alternatively , it was a gift then it was incomplete , since the transfers of property had not been made and it might be said , therefore , that the cousins could revoke the incomplete gift .
11 Dreams and desires may have changed during the reform decade , but the conditions of society had not altered accordingly .
12 If you have seen a mixture of iron and sulphur and the lumps of sulphur did n't have a shiny polished surfaces that belong to iron and you ca n't make a mirror out of non-metal .
13 ‘ If the Inns of Court had not controlled the professional conduct of the Bar , the judges themselves would have had to do so .
14 The Chiefs of Staff did not want to do this , and the Defence Committee was worried lest the Korean conflict should divert attention from other danger-spots in Asia and blind Britain to the risk to which it was exposed in Europe .
15 This happened rather often , and if the inhabitants of Oswaldston had not mostly been shut up in front of their televisions at this time of day , it might already have given rise to some talk .
16 The creatures of Riverbank did not see the big dog the next day .
17 As the first years passed , and the courses of lectures did not have to be prepared out of nothing , he sat at the bay window in the sub-warden 's study , looking out towards the cathedral , and started to write his first book .
18 The green lawns were bright and cut close , the thickets of daffodils had not quite died down along the edges of the drive .
19 But Kirillov has himself pointedly ruled out life after death : ‘ the laws of nature did not spare even Him ’ — Jesus , that is .
20 He was no doubt contemplating not futurity but baffled Eternity itself : a universal Revelation outside nature guaranteed by a Christ whom the laws of nature did not spare .
21 However , influenced by the fact that the deterrence policy is firmly adhered to by the governments of the superpowers and has some political acceptability , and that the traditional doctrine of the laws of war did not apply to preparation for war , his eventual conclusion is that it would be difficult to state that any measures short of use are illegal .
22 Boyson apart , the findings of report did not go unchallenged .
23 Gabrielle attended the opening night , the play toured the country — although the citizens of Eastbourne did not have the pleasure of it because the local council would not allow it to be staged unless the title was changed — and the West End beckoned .
24 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
25 The Lords of Trade did not go themselves .
26 The Lords of Trade did not have to take such a close interest in the activities of the chartered companies , but the three large companies trading outside Europe were clearly providing London with trade that could not come in any other way .
27 The Lords of Trade did not like colonies owned by a single proprietor .
28 It was for this reason that I decided that the grounds of referral had not been established . ’
29 Here , too , the types of subject did not change dramatically , considered in broad categories .
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