Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] and [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Henry O'Bree was depressed about the exams and left behind a suicide note .
2 Divide the cake mixture between the cans and place on a greased baking tray .
3 A target of 20 kilograms per hectare a year has been proposed by the Canadians and backed by a number of scientists from the USA .
4 On Sept. 12 the Revolutionary Justice Organization ( RJO ) in Beirut made its first formal announcement that it was holding British hostage Jackie Mann , kidnapped in Beirut in May 1989 [ see p. 36671 ] , while Islamic Jihad issued a statement welcoming the releases and accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage , Terry Anderson .
5 Sometimes when I 've been up early at home walking in the woods and come upon a roe deer close to , motionless , its alarm and scenting has reminded me of her .
6 While the Romans were dusting themselves down and rearranging their feathers and mini-skirts , the lurking Brits emerged from the woods and advanced in a rabble brandishing their rolling pins .
7 Another small farm was shown me as the place where the mother of a young baby had forgotten to place the poker over its cradle : as a consequence the child , unprotected by iron , had been stolen by the fairies and replaced by a ‘ changeling ’ .
8 My real favourite became mahala , a very thin pancake about twelve to eighteen inches across which is torn into pieces with the fingers and dipped into a mixture of honey and butter .
9 The adventurers could use the information to denounce the suppliers to the authorities and hope for a reward ( or perhaps a Chaos cult declaring war on them ) , or less scrupulous characters might turn to blackmail , either for money or for magical training .
10 On Tuesday 14 June , " representatives of the girls in the composing department of the printing trade , attended to address our [ i.e. WFL ] members " , and on 25 August a deputation went to see the employers and called for a Board of Trade enquiry .
11 Then quietly I walked down the steps and felt for a seat on one of the wooden forms ; after being hissed at by several people I found one empty , next to an old woman .
12 Mix the solutions and cover with a coverslip .
13 The important thing is that the EDB removes the disincentives and acts as a one-stop agency for investors .
14 Once set , pop out of the trays and transfer to a polythene bag .
15 ( This was added to over the centuries and culminated as a gigantic mansion of the early 1830s ) .
16 Any schemes which promote the arts and lead to a wider understanding are obviously most welcome .
17 But despite this slight shift in the taboos , as late as the 1920s Havelock Ellis and Albert Moll were still able to recommend little metal suits of armour fitted over the genitals and attached to a locked belt as prophylaxis for masturbation , and sex education books continued to inveigh against the solitary vice well into the second half of the century .
18 ‘ Give me time to go to the ruins and look for a sign of Harry . ’
19 Shake the ingredients and pour into a small goblet .
20 The hydrogen gas would be collected within the galls and piped to a central storage system .
21 Joachim eventually broke away from the Cistercians and retired to a lonely spot in Calabria where disciples gathered around him and he was given papal permission to found his own congregation .
22 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
23 Subsequently , they carried out the investigation ‘ Maxbox ’ , which involved deciding which of the open boxes that can be made from a 12 cm x 12 cm square of paper by cutting squares from the corners and folding into a lidless cuboid ‘ held the most ’ .
24 Quarter to eleven , pick up the chaps and go for a smoke .
25 Apted 's definitions do not seem to take into account the student who goes directly to the shelves and looks for a book for an essay topic .
26 Last year he cracked in the mountains and came in a disappointed seventh .
27 Divide the mixture between the tins and bake in a preheated oven at 350F/175C/gas 4 for 20–25 minutes .
28 Waiters and waitresses provide the service to the guests and work under a bartender .
29 Furthermore , it is argued , the needs and wants of a less developed country are so far in advance of that country 's productive capacity that it is useless to waste resources focusing on them .
30 If one examines the needs and wants of a less developed society and relates this information to the production capacity of that country , ways may be found to develop products that consumers want and which the country is capable of producing .
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