Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [being] [vb pp] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Don Dovaston , assistant chief constable of Derbyshire , named one of the terrorists being sought for the murder of the Army recruitment soldier as Joseph Philip Magee , 26 , whose wife and sister live in Derby and who detectives believe acted as the getaway driver for the gunman and his accomplice who killed Sgt Michael Newman , 34 .
2 ‘ Reactor design , future finance for replacement stations , and public acceptability are among the topics being studied for a report to provide the basis for the industry 's case that nuclear is a vital part of the UK 's energy mix .
3 The Non-Aligned also approved ‘ the efforts being made for the early establishment of a zone of peace , freedom and neutrality in the region ’ and called on all states to support these efforts .
4 As soon as Ellie was seated , she began to rib her gently about her life in England , about how sorry she felt for her living in such a confusing place ; regaled her with insights on the local population , and the arrangements being made for the wedding , which was to be held here in the Hall .
5 " The following morning the Deputation again visited the School previous to the Scholars being dismissed for the Midsummer Holidays , and having inspected the Book of Entry of the Scholars ' Admissions & c we found that the whole number of 150 had been received into the School — that on the day of examination 141 were present and the remaining 9 absent from suspension or illness and one by death . "
6 I enquired about the possibility of the tickets being changed for a show nearer to my home town .
7 Dr McNab now ordered the stimulants to be decreased gradually from day to day , meat and beer from the stores being substituted for the brandy and beef tea .
8 So , technically , there is nothing wrong at all in the boys being picked for the trials .
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