Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [coord] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was under the protection of the Estates and was also known as the Estates Theatre .
2 The poison preys upon the vitals and is only extinguished by death or , by as fatal a cure , the accomplishment of its own desires .
3 Available on or off the bone , the meat is usually from only the breasts of the birds and is lightly smoked , moist and quite delicious .
4 Manoon immediately surrendered himself to the authorities and was later charged with , among other crimes , conspiracy to assassinate Queen Sirikit in 1982 .
5 On Oct. 6 Klaus Kuron , 54 , who had worked since 1962 for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution ( Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz — BfV ) , gave himself up to the authorities and was formally arrested shortly afterwards .
6 They collected their horses from the stables and were soon pounding their way back up the cobbled streets of Edinburgh to the Abbey of Holy Rood .
7 God-like , Niall flings himself on to his adoring audience , sinks beneath the waves and is eventually restored to the stage in time for the anti-rap encore of ‘ Where 's Me Jumper ’ .
8 They are related to the break point of the waves and are sometimes referred to as break point bars .
9 Illuminated in Tours around 1520 , it contains twelve full-page miniatures of the emperors and was possibly made for the library of Francois I. The manuscript has a distinguished provenance : it belonged at the Jesuit College de Clermont Library in Paris and later to the celebrated English collector Sir Thomas Phillips who considered it among the finest of his 60,000 manuscripts .
10 Mark … the jockey that rode him to victory at Cheltenham has retired from the saddle but still rides him out on the gallops and is now helping to tarin him
11 The black liquid contains the spores and was once used as a cheap substitute for Indian ink .
12 Oranges were first introduced into Europe by the Arabs and were originally seen as status symbols .
13 Many of our typical reactions in the presence of animals acknowledge this disparity in the language-games and is further fortified by what we say of them .
14 While at the Guggenheim Dr Barnett curated three documentary exhibitions on Kandinsky in the mid-1980s and was subsequently invited by Jean K. Benjamin , the co-author of the Kandinsky paintings catalogue raisonné ( with the late Dr Hans Konrad Roethel ) to embark on the watercolour volumes .
15 The system was written by one of the investigators and is already employed in a project being undertaken in the department for the Alvey Directorate .
16 Pentecost , the seventh Sunday after Easter , commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and is generally known as Whitsunday .
17 whitewashed West Indies in the one-dayers and were then routed 4–0 during the main business of that summer .
18 When the king died , he was thought to join the gods and was particularly associated with Re and Osiris .
19 They are then either killed by the ferrets or are subsequently dug out alive .
20 The Turks had deployed Egyptian soldiers in the hope of suppressing the Greeks and were simultaneously ignoring Russian interests in the Yugoslav and Romanian parts of their territory .
21 Another boot which I have been impressed with is the Cima Vango , which gives a wide fit across the toes and is now produced with a highly water-resistant Anfibio leather .
22 He wore his best suit which had been redeemed from the pawnbrokers and was freshly cleaned and pressed .
23 The borings are concentrated high on the pillars but are remarkably lacking on the masonry lower down .
24 Ken complained to her employers , and she was put on another round , but kept forgetting the orders and was presently let go .
25 The state ( otherwise often referred to as ‘ the regime ’ ) is the most inclusive of the terms and is usually understood to embrace all the main institutions of the political system , including the judiciary , police and the military ( see chapters 18 and 19 ) .
26 India is the home of this strongly aromatic plant where it is perennial , and where its history of use stretches back many thousands of years , It is regarded as sacred by the Hindus and was much used for disinfecting where malaria was present In the house .
27 When schoolteachers ask questions , they already know the answers and are simply checking to make sure you know them , too .
28 John , in his Gospel , seems to be following the date set by the Sadducees and is therefore saying that Passover day was on the Sabbath , the day after the crucifixion .
29 This book is geared more to those parents who take a major part of the responsibility for the games and are just using the entertainer to bring an additional dimension to the party .
30 Back foot is the last into the footstraps and is only used there in a strong wind ( Force 4 & plus )
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