Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pers pn] have [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Look back on the activities you have enjoyed in the past and select one to develop .
2 distinction between attempting to respond on the basis of behaviour , or a response based on whether or not there 's a victim , can carry you a certain way , but I was just thinking of some of the discussions we 've had in college recently about the sort of behaviour with which we feel uncomfortable , and I have to say that sometimes it would be difficult to identify a given victim or , you know , a group of given victims .
3 Thinking can only make use of the patterns we have acquired in the past .
4 From 1865 to 1871 he lived on the estates he had inherited in Scotland , and then spent his last years at Cambridge .
5 The cities I had seen in England and France left me unmoved ; their crowds had no interest for me : they lacked the colour and variety for which I craved .
6 For the first time since Heaven , Ace thought of Julian , and the times they had sat in worn green leather armchairs , the hum of traffic from the A40 outside making waves in their glasses , knowing that the barman thought they were underage but also knowing that Ace intimidated him so much that he would n't say anything .
7 So little had been released from that tight grip , and there was so little natural affinity between them that , for all the hours they had spent in this room together , they remained strangers to one another .
8 It has n't been an easy time , even for the professions , and while law firms have had to cut back on staffing , they face having to get more out of the personnel they have left in terms of client service .
9 Nobody cares about the rules you 've broken in relation to yourself .
10 One of the reasons she had survived in business was because she had always been so careful .
11 It was a competition to test the skills they 've learned in dealing with real road accidents .
12 In the tenth step of the Smith family intervention , the Smiths were beginning to generalise the skills they had learned in the process of getting Keith to bed and persuading him to stay there .
13 Students , in addition to monitoring progress in their chose pursuit(s) , will be expected to identify the skills they have used in planning , undertaking and reviewing the activities and to recognise the transferability of these skills .
14 The lack of space , the cold , the absence of hot water — all these contingencies I negotiated with the skills I had acquired in domestic science ( my best subject ) and as a Girl Guide .
15 ICPIC gives access to details of global environmental legislation including case histories of other companies and the policies they have developed in response to environmental problems .
16 All the investments we 've made in clean room technology have been a great success and the new laminate tubes business is doing well now after a difficult start some years ago .
17 With these four properties of symbol in mind , let us reflect on some of the objects we have used in our SPRED sessions — a loaf of bread , a picture , a key , an invitation , sounds of birds .
18 Because BoP is a Windows application , you have access to all the fonts you 've got in your Windows system .
19 ‘ Mind you , I 've been shocked by some of the secrets I 've uncovered in ordinary bedrooms .
20 In the spring parliament of 1340 the commons offered a grant of tax subject to conditions which now went much further than the concessions they had sought in the previous year and which were reminiscent of the concerns of the Ordainers in 1310–11 .
21 Suspicion of the king lingered on after the conclusion of the parliament of 1341 , and was probably intensified by his solemn revocation of the concessions he had made in that parliament at a council attended by all the magnates in early October 1341 .
22 At the end of the negotiations , as he prepared to run off to salvage what he could from the wreckage of the crashed aircraft in Nicaragua , North told the Iranians he had failed in his mission ‘ to start the process of healing between our countries ’ ; the two nations , Iran and America , were about to pass each other like ships in the night .
23 He would be ever hereafter his own successor in developing sequels to the steps he had taken in the spring and summer of 1837 .
24 The sensations she had experienced in Bruges were mere frissons compared with this storm of need …
25 DELIGHT , elation and relief greeted the news of the government 's decision to compensate investors for the bulk of the losses they had suffered in the collapse of Barlow Clowes .
26 The move follows the £1.4m out-of-court settlement agreed in July with the Tunstall Group , which had been suing the firm for damages for the losses it had incurred in purchasing Sound Diffusion shares ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 15 ) .
27 I thought about all the books I had read in the past and remembered one in particular which I had enjoyed immensely .
28 ‘ Often I have bent my way to the great entrance of Studley and seen twenty or more carriages waiting , unhorsed , for the return of the parties they had deposited in the morning and who were now rambling in all directions .
29 To throw in the towel would mean the end of misery , a shower , clean sheets , good food and reunion with my family after the months I had spent in training camp .
30 Of all the roles she had played in the theatre , of all the great works that had come her way , she was fated to be remembered mostly for how she pronounced the rhetorical question , ‘ A hand-bag ? ’
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