Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [v-ing] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Alyssia ignored his remark and concentrated on trying to cut her steak without sending all the vegetables flying at the same time .
2 Clutching the hot loaf to her chest she fled , expecting every minute to hear shouts of : ‘ Thief … thief … ’ as she threaded between the wharves arriving at a narrow lane not far from Marsh Street where the press gangs roamed .
3 Every year the New York New Music Seminar seems to throw up one track which first flattens the delegates revelling at the local hot-spots , then sends the record companies into chequebook-brandishing overdrive .
4 The rooms could have been empty , it was impossible to tell , and in fact when I came to the special dining car I found a good number of the passengers sitting at the unlaid tables , just chatting .
5 Like Hutton in bygone times , Stewart seemed galvanised by the disasters occurring at the other end , but was never either intimidated into strokelessness or tempted into a reckless rescue bid , for such an endeavour against this bowling would have been futile .
6 About one hour later we sat on the sands staring at the cool sea in front of us , thinking how long it was since we had had a bath .
7 The beautiful fourteenth-century cathedral in Den Bosch is suffering from the men drinking at the surrounding cafes and bars .
8 The Magistrates sitting at the new Court buildings in Liskeard , dealing mainly with motoring offences , together with drunkenness and minor public order offences , are continuing a long standing tradition of ‘ grass roots ’ justice .
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