Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the poem stands apart from the attitudes most commonly expressed in her work , and , given its obscurity , it is necessary to be cautious with respect to its specific meaning .
2 While the institutions most usually approached for funding here ( The Arts Council , RTE , Commercial business ) are n't clamouring to pour money into film , both Giannaris and Gibbons feel that with persistence and imagination ( albeit in voluminous quantities ! ) the now microscopic organism may eventually become multi-cellular .
3 In both the cases so far considered in this Chapter , the customer took the goods under an agreement between himself and the dealer .
4 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
5 Among them was Roger Perks , head teacher of Taverstock School in Birmingham , one of the authorities most strongly opposed to opting out .
6 Yusuf 's forces returned in strength and began to win back many of the states so recently conquered by Alfonso and by El Cid in their separate campaigns .
7 The vegetables most commonly grown in the garden were also grown in the fields : these were the bean and the pea , the basic ingredients in most medieval peasant recipes .
8 All very enterprising , but within six months , with the builders not far advanced into the job , the Helvetian government decided to move to Lucerne .
9 The prefixes most commonly used in this way are Kars , Indo and Mori .
10 The simplest large intestines , exhibiting a vestigial caecum and no sacculations , are found in the rat , cat , and dog , which are the animals most frequently used in studies on colonic motor function .
11 I was nearly knocked down the steps then nearly carried up the steps then nearly trampled upon then nearly asphyxiated then completely ambushed engulfed surrounded then wholly abandoned .
12 I was nearly knocked down the steps then nearly carried up the steps then nearly trampled upon then nearly asphyxiated then completely ambushed engulfed surrounded then wholly abandoned .
13 The labels most readily ascribed to an older person are ‘ demented ’ or ‘ senile ’ .
14 Domestication of new animals for their products will probably expand to meet the demands no longer met from wild stock .
15 The provision of permanent waters led everywhere to overgrazing and consequent soil erosion , and veterinary quarantine regulations which interfered with the free movement of cattle both within and into and out of the reserves almost certainly contributed to the spread of tsetse fly which occurred during the colonial period .
16 If artists have to address the fact that AIDS-sufferers shuffle off this mortal coil faster than most of the rest of humanity , perhaps the arts most closely linked to the body can express the idea best .
17 Since then the Scots have perfected the art and , using the elements so generously provided for them by nature , distilled the whisky which today is inextricably woven into Scotland 's history , customs and culture .
18 This lends a density and structure to the plates not usually associated with photo-offset lithography " ( Afterword ) .
19 The bones most recently found in the docks will be reburied .
20 Following the announcement by CEGB in 1980 of five sites to be investigated as possible locations for a new nuclear power station in South West England , the investigator surveyed the attitudes and beliefs concerning energy issues , and nuclear power in particular , held by residents of the communities most closely affected by these proposals .
21 Is n't the consciousness of the blacks even more closed to us than women 's ?
22 Remember that afterwards you may be making an offer , so a more careful visual inspection must be made at this stage , and the matters only briefly considered on your first visit should be looked at in more depth now .
23 In most cases this has meant that steel fences and wire grilles have been built around the Ends and the areas most frequently occupied by young visiting supporters .
24 On closer examination , however , it was immediately clear that Franco did not trust the Falangists in the areas most closely related to the exercise of real power ( i.e. to the control of the force of arms ) : all three defence Ministries were in the hands of military men well known for anti-Falangist political sympathies .
25 However , there was a significant absence of such discontent in East Anglia and Kent , two of the areas most severely affected in 1381 ( 78 , p.145 ) .
26 She turned the pages of the fashion magazine over , but her eyes did n't take in any of the models so enticingly displayed in its pages ; her attention was all focused inwards on herself .
27 He has enlisted Government help and interest in the RCA ; he has raised money for the renovations so badly needed at the college , and for building additional accommodation nearby for students .
28 The workers not only suffered from moderate wages but also from a sense of resentment , humiliation and social isolation at taking factory work .
29 Mr Wood said he had gone to investigate after people had been seen in the area with bull terriers , the dogs most commonly used for fighting badgers .
30 An omen that more conservative counsels might yet prevail was given within weeks of the promulgation of the Emancipation Statute when the Tsar dismissed the officials most closely identified with reform , headed by Lanskoy and his deputy ‘ Nicholas Miliutin .
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