Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] in the " in BNC.

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1 This word universal is never the name of anything existent in nature , nor of any idea or phantasm found in the mind [ my italics ] , but always the name of some word or name ; so that when a living creature , a stone , a spirit , or any other thing , is said to be universal , it is not to be understood that any man , stone etc. , ever was or can be universal , but only that the words , living creature , stone , etc. , are universal names , that is , names common to many things ; and the conceptions answering them in the mind are the images and phantasms of several living creatures or other things .
2 The Germans occupied them in the second world war , the Americans rebuilt them afterwards , and then the north-west Europeans came back in the shape of the European Community and its powerful money .
3 The Seventh , however , is reined back to the point of stodginess , at least until the white-hot finale and even there one of the trumpets forgets himself in the last three bars .
4 And my comment would be that the spirit guides us in our understanding of the bible , needs to be augmented by the words and in our daily lives before the words renews us in the sacraments and calls us to serve God in the world .
5 Once again , the Elves found themselves in the middle of a war without a Phoenix King .
6 The effects showed themselves in the occupational culture of the force , in senses of threat and danger among members , and in a range of low-key security duties which merged with routine police work .
7 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
8 But it could provide the electricity in the factories to build them in the first place .
9 We dragged the man free and Warren drove the car at the dogs to box them in the alleyway so they could not escape .
10 A cook from the kitchens took one in the eye and stumbled backwards with his hands pressed to his temples .
11 She remembered screaming , remembered one of the storm-troopers punching her in the face to stop her .
12 Only once have the gods assaulted me in the guise of another person .
13 In the last year of his life Carleton 's connections with the tightly knit Puritan gentry of the midlands involved him in the Puritan literary conspiracy of the Marprelate tracts .
14 What you have seen today may well be the best lesson you will ever learn of the difficulties facing us in the outside world .
15 We were well aware of the problems facing us in the future , and the pressing need was for more and more information about the operations of the big smuggling syndicates .
16 Hong Kong has transformed the regions surrounding it in the past five or six years .
17 When I had the baby , Stephen , the screws left me in the outside hospital but they took my clothes .
18 While the Republican politicians dithered and the more violent partisans of the Popular Front vented their anger and frustration on people they considered to be right-wing , ecclesiastical properties and captured rebels , the insurgents entrenched themselves in the positions they had managed to take .
19 Born Jan Ludwig Hoch , the son of a Czech labourer , Robert Maxwell escaped the Nazis to distinguish himself in the British Army .
20 To abuse my hospitality in such a way , take advantage of my trust — never enter this house again , I will have the servants throw you in the street — ’
21 As she reached the bottom of the stairs , Araminta herself waylaid her , coming out of the shadows to place herself in the companion 's way .
22 Some of the men who took part in this , like Sir Walter Raleigh and his brother-in-law Sir Humphrey Gilbert , were also attracted by the idea of getting lands on the other side of the Atlantic , and the success of the Spaniards encouraged them in the widespread belief that an immense amount of gold and silver was waiting to be discovered all over the Americas .
23 A girl lives in the image of her mother , and the mothers sees herself in the child .
24 Kick him in the bollocks kick him in the head .
25 And coach Bill Calcraft , a lock in Australia 's 1984 Grand Slam-winning team , agrees : ‘ If we can get promotion , and it 's a big if because this season only one club goes up , I do believe the club , with all its superb facilities and tradition , can attract the players to put it in the top flight again . ’
26 I could set the man trap at dusk and let the police interview him in the morning . ’
27 The Army backs also had their moments , but too often the soldiers shot themselves in the foot as the critical pass was dropped or the wrong option taken .
28 The malai shoved him in the chest with his free hand but he pointed the gun at the ground behind him .
29 By four o'clock it was clear that the Tories had it in the bag .
30 ‘ There are no plans to show it in the UK at the moment , ’ a spokeswoman from Coca-Cola said yesterday .
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