Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] is [prep] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is of course to beg the question of where the dividing line between the interest of the nation state and that of the EEC is to be drawn .
2 The BHRCA is to be applauded for taking the initiative on this issue , but if the joint congress is to receive the whole-hearted support of other leading organisations , it is important that no single ‘ lead organisation ’ should take ownership .
3 The co-ordinating body within the FAO is to be strengthened , and increased emphasis placed on rapid response to requests for assistance .
4 The name of an existing LIFESPAN user to whom the SPR is to be passed , up to 28 alphanumeric characters long , including spaces .
5 The user to whom the SPR is to be passed will be notified of this resposibility via the Mail System .
6 Mr Murray continued , ‘ If the AEA is to be thought of as having a united corporate image then it has to behave as such : for example we have countless and diverse literature/publications produced ( independently ) by the Businesses , thereby leaving our customers confused .
7 Wednedsay 's announcement still implies that the crucial science base of the NCC is to be split between Scotland , Wales and England , and the Chief Scientist 's post abolished .
8 TOP Of The Pops is to be axed after 28 years because youngsters are switching off in droves .
9 THE BBC is to be stripped of responsibility for the Queen 's annual Christmas TV broadcast , ending a tradition going back 60 years .
10 If the BBC is to be persuaded to buy more drama from the independent street traders outside the building the merchandise will need to be a little better finished than this .
11 Now the Jordan is to be diverted to reflood the swamplands , creating potential for tourism to generate income for local farming communities .
12 The clue to the ambitions of the ASEA is to be found in the plea that the training of youths was to be ‘ a continuance of their education ’ , and an aspect of the committees ' work that ‘ should ever be borne in mind ’ .
13 The first Private Bill ever in the Lords is to be proposed by either Lord Winstanley , himself a former GP , or Lord Allen .
14 Oh yes it could if the Birmingham freesheet the Metro-News is to be believed .
15 Editor , — The BMJ is to be congratulated on highlighting the difficulty doctors have when they seek to train and work in the hospital service on a less than full time basis — a reasonable aspiration when you realise that the average working week for people other than doctors is 37.5 hours yet for doctors half time can be in excess of 40 hours .
16 If the CR observed in the original context depends on a summation of its own excitatory strength with that controlled by the context , then a decline in the vigour of the CR is to be expected in a test context lacking excitatory strength .
17 My interest is therefore in how the grant assistance from the EC is to be treated by the Council .
18 If the BMA is to be taken seriously then it should espouse more worthy causes that have some prospect of success rather than politically correct harebrained schemes such as this , which is as likely to bear fruit as ‘ pigs are to fly , ’ to quote the two speakers .
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