Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun pl] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 On the broad canals of Yorkshire the locks were built to accommodate the sailing keels which were about 60 feet long and 14 feet wide .
2 Certain schools of thought hold , for instance , that the ancient Greek art of ‘ pankration ’ , brought to China by the invading armies of Alexander the Great , along with the martial art of Graeco-Roman wrestling , gave birth to some forms of kung fu .
3 In the Norman tapestry it was Halley 's Comet which bode ill : not , as it turned out , for the invading forces of William the Conqueror but for the defenders led by King Harold .
4 You will have to put in fresh leafy stalks every day , take out the old stripped stems , and clear out the prodigious amounts of droppings the caterpillars produce .
5 On the 23rd , however , even after percolating the softening filters of G.Q.G. the reports sounded so bad that Joffre was persuaded to dispatch his Assistant Chief of Staff , Colonel Claudel , to Verdun to make an on-the-spot report .
6 Murad 's successor , Bayezid I , was forced to turn his attention to the threat to his base in Asia Minor posed by the advance of the Mongol hordes of Timur the Lame ( Tamerlane ) .
7 Since the murderous excursions of Jack the Ripper in London 's East End some years ago , the patrolling of streets on both sides of the river had been strictly enforced , particularly on foggy nights .
8 During one of the indiscriminate assaults by the murderous flocks of birds the screaming inhabitants of the town ran to and fro in a vain attempt to ward off their attackers .
9 ‘ We ’ , the provincial society , display all the loose-end symptoms of Peter the Great 's reforms — though Dostoevsky 's overt theorizing about Peter gets left behind in the notebooks .
10 The popular adventures of Po-Po the wooden doll .
11 Well , yes , just to look at the wh the question of balance of power between the employer on the one hand and the members on the other hand and then between the different categories of members the active payers-in , the pensioners and the deferred pensioners .
12 Until then , the limited supplies of Pentium the company can muster will be going to Intel 's pet companies worldwide , a short list believed to include AST Research Inc , Compaq Computer Corp , Dell Computer Inc and NCR Corp .
13 Until then , the limited supplies of Pentium the company can muster will be going to Intel 's best customers worldwide , a short list that is believed to include AST Research Inc , Compaq Computer Corp , Dell Computer Corp and NCR Corp .
14 At RAF Lyneham 500 men are sweating over the vast amounts of equipment the individual soldier attaches to his body prior to jumping into a theatre of war .
15 By redrawing the individual boundaries of deviance the agencies have sought to retain control .
16 ‘ In the early hours of February the nineteenth , 1916 . ’
17 17 year old Marita Brown was 5 months pregnant , when in the early hours of January the 24th this year , her former boyfriend , Thomas Rennie came to her home after she 'd ended their relationship .
18 In the early hours of May the fourth Hanger disappeared from a community training camp at Symonds Yat on the Gloucesterhsire / herofrodshire border .
19 Nine o'clock on the late show babysitting for me all this week , Adrian and then one o'clock till six o'clock during the early hours of Thursday the fifteenth of July , to keep you company , it 's Mark .
20 From the early stages of industrialisation the demand for unskilled labour was exceeded only by the supply ; as an occupational category it remained dominant .
21 In the early stages of maturity the fruit of a pure Chardonnay Champagne ( ie , a blanc de blancs ) can appear to be understated and cut by a certain ‘ steely ’ character , the deceiving taste of undeveloped and unharmonious extract .
22 In the early stages of cold-welding the planets must have been very similar in appearance , with massive outer gassy atmospheres .
23 Throughout the early days of October the Allies blithely assumed that Antwerp could withstand investiture .
24 In the early days of life the infant is sometimes called a new-born .
25 In the early days of radio the major part of its audience was to be found in the urban areas and among the better educated , and programmes tended to be created with this in mind .
26 I believe we are already lost ’ , an analysis which the Empress kept to herself , but which soon proved to be all too correct , for in the early days of August the French armies suffered three defeats at the battles of Spicheren , Wissembourg and Froeschwiller .
27 In the early days of November the members of the Cabinet fell to arguing not whether there should be an election at all upon the issue , but exactly when it should take place .
28 The appointment of a Benedictine abbot as chief adviser to the king was sufficiently unusual to call to mind Benedict of Aniane 's position in the early years of Louis the Pious 's reign .
29 Bernice looked again : beneath the sudden billows of smoke the black robes shrivelled and flamed , revealing the asymmetrical bodies of the lurching androids , uncoordinated dancers in the fires .
30 A century later a royal charter of July 1412 gave the municipal authorities of Reims the sole right to appoint courtiers and expressly mentioned that Champagne wines formed the city 's prime source of trade .
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