Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] and [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Correspondingly the representation of gender inversion generates an interrogation both of the sexual metaphysic and of thé social order .
2 The blanket imposition of bail conditions on striking miners had dramatic effects both on the individual concerned and on the ability of the N.U.M. to mount effective pickets .
3 Using palynological and chronometric dating techniques a great number of cores have been investigated and the flora and fauna of the terminal Pleistocene and of the transition during the early Flandrian in western Europe from tundra to closed deciduous woodland , have been investigated and the major phases distinguished .
4 ‘ The Government must recognise that training is the way forward both for the long-term unemployed and for the business community . ’
5 It is similar in type to the Czech Pied and to the Aosta Red Pied of Italy , and is related to the Montbéliard .
6 It seems to have formed through the successive accretion of continental and island arc fragments ( see Section 3.6 ) from then until the middle Cretaceous and at the time of its collision with the Indian Plate it was probably an area of relatively warm and weak lithosphere .
7 Labour 's reformist programme to moderate poverty and to re-invigorate the older industrialized regions — whatever its ultimate success — at least offered more to the urban disadvantaged and to the cities generally .
8 Omar was a devout Muslim and like the best Somalis was proud and fearless , though he proved to be remarkably tactful and forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry , and always upheld my authority even when I made a mistake .
9 John was a devout Christian and as a young man had hoped to be a minister , a vocation denied to him by a stammer in his speech .
10 This integrating combination has a long time-constant and for a momentary pulse output from IC2 does not allow the voltage across capacitor C5 to rise much above the ground .
11 The hospital attenders were more likely to be registered with a practice with no diabetic miniclinic and with a general practitioner with no special interest in diabetes .
12 He had little success , however , in his efforts to persuade the Dutch that Sukarno was a man with whom they could do business and found himself a reluctant pig in the middle , reviled by one side as a fascist imperialist and by the other as an irresponsible revolutionary .
13 This time the thunder burst with a pistol-shot snap and with an equal suddenness , as if at last those swollen vessels had been punctured , the rain began to fall .
14 Then on the slope above , there was a snort from a watchful hind and in a second every beast was in flight , careering down the hillside , leaping , bounding , in jerky yet fluid motion .
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