Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 A few weeks later they were taken away from Pushkin , away from St Petersburg and the European side of Russia where they had many supporters .
2 Such thinking is part of a long tradition , finding its most clear formulation in the political philosophy of Hobbes where human society is presented as being in a state of ‘ warre ’ in which every man fights every other man for control of resources and for the ( presumed ) pleasure of dominance .
3 Thus Article 92 provided for aid by member states " to promote the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low , or where there is serious underemployment " provided that such aid did not " adversely affect trading conditions " .
4 Then , and this I should expect very soon , there should be a reply from Greek Intelligence to our query asking for the complete list of places where Andropulos has conducted business , any kind of business , over the past few years .
5 Figure 6.5a shows the thin pointed region through which trajectories leave B if they start inside the rectangle ABCD on the top face of B. Combining eqn ( 6.4 ) with ( 6.3 ) we obtain where ( 0 , n* ) is the point on the top face of B where the unstable manifold of the origin returns to the stable manifold of the origin when r = r* .
6 The dowry system has sometimes been considered as an effect of the sexual division of labour where , although women do some of the heaviest work ( servicing labour and producing it ) , these roles are considered less important than those of men .
7 The vessel was intercepted in the Mediterranean by the German navy and escorted to the German port of Kiel where its cargo was impounded .
8 Yet his horizons were quickly widened to include the nearby town of Dorchester where he attended day school , and where at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to a local architect , despite his academic interests .
9 A very pleasant day trip can be spent journeying through the pretty Suffolk villages of Little Cavendish and Long Melford , and the medieval town of Lavenham where a delicious meal is to be had at the Swan .
10 His funeral was held at Our Lady and St Josephs at his wife Kerry 's request because the parish priest , Father Peter Burke , was a friend of the couple , who met on a trip to the French shrine of Lourdes where they were helping the sick .
11 Officers ' concern to avoid the risk of losing evidence if the death does prove to be homicide can have unintended consequences in the vast majority of cases where death is natural .
12 His underlying hypothesis is that ‘ in the vast majority of countries where forced divestment is used selectively its being chosen vis-a-vis alternate regulatory or administrative policies is , inter alia , a function of firm and industry-specific characteristics ’ ( Kobrin , 1980 , p.69 ) .
13 According to Dregne ( 1986 ) , wind erosion is particularly acute in the central area of Argentina where dry-farming has resulted in the formation of mobile dunes to such an extent that more than 16 million ha have been affected .
14 In 1988 , the average size of transactions where other EC companies took over UK companies was 2.5 times greater than the average value of transactions where UK companies acquired other EC companies .
15 In 1988 , the average size of transactions where other EC companies took over UK companies was 2.5 times greater than the average value of transactions where UK companies acquired other EC companies .
16 The Victorian block of flats where Christine Mills lived had been painted a dark green a decade ago and the wood of the frames now showed through in parts , black and rotten .
17 Mohammed Siyad Barre fled to Kenya on April 29 after forces of the United Somali Congress ( USC ) captured the south-western town of Garbaharrey where the former President had been living since being ousted from Mogadishu in January 1991 [ see pp. 37946-47 ] .
18 There is a strong thriller element to the novel , particularly in the last part , in which Piero is tracked down by the agents of what is portrayed as something close to a police or military state in the underground corridors of the prison-like block of flats where Charles lives and the fugitive has been hiding .
19 THERE HAVE also been changes at the south end of the Kylesku Bridge , where the little cluster of buildings where vehicles formerly embarked on the ferry boat is now bypassed by the new road .
20 It 's a million miles in style from our usual sweeping lawns and landscaped vistas , but in the latest in our series Summer Gardens , we visit the little piece of England where a little really HAS to go a long way .
21 Consequently they are said to be only suitable for the rarified world of HQ where men with no ‘ bottle ’ and the non-combatants have fled .
22 And once again , it brings into focus the curious contradiction of Europe where , when it comes to the final analysis , countries like France , which spend so much time preaching about European unity , find themselves unable to act in the mutual interest of the community .
23 I took the train to Fontainbleau , and to Versailles , and saw there the famous Hall of Mirrors where the notorious Treaty was signed which set Germany on the path to Hitler 's domination and the Second World War .
24 J. Stannard , Recent Developments in Criminal Law , SLS , 1988 , 59 , averred : " Bevan is another in the long line of cases where courts have adopted a strained construction of legislation in order to convict a person who is clearly guilty of dishonest conduct but also does not appear to be adequately covered by any legislative provision . "
25 The Master of the Armouries , curator of Britain 's historic arms and armour collection , who is hell-bent on creating just such a hybrid and abandoning the ancient Tower of London where it has been housed for centuries for a purpose-built , speculative complex in Leeds , is risking a gargantuan version of the ‘ Sporting Glory ’ fiasco , with the extra twist that if his project fails , his objects will have no home to go back to .
26 Is it d was it the like kind of situation where you 're gon na have to carry it on so that he
27 A favourite is the cruise to the beautiful island of Formentera where you can ‘ hob nob ’ with the yachts and speedboats of the jet set at Illetas Beach , not forgetting ‘ champagne diving ’ on your voyage back .
28 Famous last words , she thought to herself , as she stepped out of the lift on to the second-floor landing of the luxury block of flats where she lived .
29 Debord , as a film-maker , and Levin , as his apologist , take refuge in the transcendental space of autonomy where meanings have the illusion of self-regulation and independence of the totality they represent .
30 One is the elegant collection of hotels where , as the town 's name suggests , you can bathe for your health just as the Romans did 2,000 years ago , but in much greater comfort and with considerably more expert supervision .
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