Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] he had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And so although his early contributors had come from the European tradition which preceded the Great War , by the early Thirties he had come to rely more and more upon British contributors .
2 By the early eighties he had held half-a-dozen public appointments , including the chairmanships of the Royal Commission on Pollution and of the Trustees of the Natural History Museum :
3 By the early 1860s he had covered much of mid-Wales with a network of railway lines , many of them in partnership with Thomas Savin , with whom he later fell out .
4 David gained his first experience of business with his father and brothers , but by the late 1840s he had decided to strike out on his own , perhaps partly because of his strong temperance convictions .
5 In the late sixties he had declared ‘ Couture is dead ! ’ and concentrated instead on off-the-peg designer wear , but twenty years later his revival had been both stunning and nostalgic and the long-term wealthy and the nouveau riche had come flocking , craving the glamour and excitement , and seeking the prestige that comes from owning a couture gown , specially , individually theirs after hours of masochistic fittings .
6 By the late 1230s he had become one of a small group of professional lawyers practising in the Common Bench in Westminster .
7 Before long he became part-time Bursar , and on his retirement from teaching in the late 1950s he had taken on the post full-time .
8 According to his own testimony , when he was Chef de Cuisine at the Petit Moulin Rouge restaurant in the Champs Elysées in the mid 1870s he had had the idea of preserving tomatoes in such a way that they would replace fresh ones at any season .
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