Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] [noun] is for " in BNC.

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1 Then she shows how much fun the proper outdoor technique is for her — ‘ The ideal occasion for communing with nature … is while you 're peacefully sitting still . ’
2 Do you have any idea what the average annual rate is for this ?
3 The only humane solution is for those who are not genuine refugees to return to Vietnam , ’ he added .
4 With agency workers the only clear relationship is for the service sector , and again the suggestion is that in establishments where a large proportion of the labour force is unskilled this form of labour is less likely to be found .
5 The small circular bow is for suspension from a chain while the narrow square-sectioned shank is notched at each end and has a large incised ‘ X ’ on one side .
6 The final automatic conversion is for Lotus 1–2–3 files which are first converted to DIF files by Lotus ' own WKSDIF utility and then treated in the same manner as DIF files .
7 The Active Toning Kit is for those who have time to work on their body .
8 At the very least he is showing us that the Christian good news is for the whole world .
9 You will then know what a healthy weight-loss diet is for you and be able to follow this for a further two weeks , or longer if necessary .
10 A common inner-city pattern is for the fronting rule to be superseded by a lowering rule ( before voiceless stops and in polysyllables ) , or a backing rule ( in other environments ) in the speech of younger speakers .
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