Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Fascinated , Mary stood still on the narrow path and watched as the estate-car tore down the slope .
2 Sometimes we have problems finding a referee , or the perfect referee has gone to sea for a month , or the referee loses the figures and takes three weeks to ask for copies , or we have a furious debate over a paper at the hanging committee and decide that we need another specialist opinion .
3 When I talk about implementation of the Maastricht treaty I mean that one of the things that must be done is to set up the arrangements agreed at Maastricht by which member states can be taken to the European Court and punished if they do not carry out obligations that they have assumed .
4 Secondly , investors from outside the Community , from places such as Japan , the United States and many others , look at the European Community and decide that the United Kingdom is by far the best place in which to invest due to the stability , skills and reliability of our work force .
5 On June 26 the EC condemned Israel 's " lamentable " human rights record in the occupied territories and urged that Soviet Jews not be settled there .
6 In one sense , they are the strong passions and urges that I have described as coming from ‘ the roots of emotion ’ .
7 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
8 I arrived there at the due time and waited and waited , but no corporal appeared .
9 He advocated the combined system and regretted that , at the very moment when state aid was going to be available for the education of the deaf and dumb for the first time , oral teaching was recommended by the Report of the Royal Commission .
10 However , under the test derived from Caldwell , a person is not reckless if he thinks about the possible risk but decides that it does not obtain .
11 The political problems that arise when changes do begin to happen were illustrated by the GP fundholders who had greater freedom than the DHAs .
12 On Dec. 18 the UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 799 condemning the Israeli action and demanding that it be rescinded , but the Israeli Cabinet , meeting on Dec. 20 , reaffirmed its decision .
13 I descended the stairs half-naked to one of the yelling bedrooms and announced that I would have to leave .
14 Interpreting is limited to the oral skills and implies that the translation is being done by a professional linguist .
15 This chapter is therefore an invitation of sorts — an invitation to pause before plunging into the specific issues that follow and to consider some of the broader questions about the nature of education management .
16 This deliberate government policy was to encourage people to live in the rural areas and ensure that their income was at least as high as that of the factory worker .
17 They chase individual rabbits into the net , then return to the feeding ground and continue as before , until they have chased all the rabbits off .
18 PASS & CO. have over thirty years experience in prevention and preservation work in houses and are a member of the Professional Associations that control and regulate this work .
19 The trainers not only have to develop skills but also the professional maturity which enables the interpreter to use those skills responsibly to a defined code in the professional context and to confront and absorb in a positive way the inevitable stresses that come with the job — working in situations which may involve death , birth , bereavement , trauma or abuse .
20 He adopted the right test and asked whether in the circumstances this mother 's decision was within the band of what a reasonable mother would do .
21 I do n't know who they are — famous men , dead and living , who 've fought for the right things and created and painted in the right way , and unfamous people I know who do n't lie about things , who try not to be lazy , who try to be human and intelligent .
22 If we accept that , so far as most people are concerned , it is the left brain which is more highly developed , what can we do to enhance the ability of the right brain and to try and become more creative ?
23 To begin with , I think there should be training to erm governors , for example , to train them how to how they should be able to select the right person for the right job and try and try and get rid of this stereotype image .
24 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
25 The loud tugging and pulling that followed — the instructions from the Colonel , instructions from the landlord , banging of levers , banging of latches — eclipsed any small performance Mrs Crump might have been inclined to give and when the company was finally re-seated she was wise enough to let it pass .
26 There are local government officers who are engaged in management buy-outs and others who decide to work in the private sector and pretend that they can deliver services better while being paid more than in the public sector .
27 Space Biospheres Ventures , the private firm that built and runs Biosphere 2 , said the bionauts set a new world record for living in a closed system .
28 The Law Society had greater reservations about franchising than the other bodies , except that it liked the administrative advantages and thought that they should be extended to all legal aid practitioners who satisfied quality control criteria developed by the Board and the Law Society .
29 It certainly was the last point that I understood ; I remember lying awake thinking about it , seeing that I could move any four edges into the working locations and realising that this completed the general method for restoring the cube to its original state .
30 It simultaneously increased the surplus produced by the working class and ensured that this surplus found a market , generating steadily rising profits for the employers .
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