Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] could have be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Carson concludes , after carefully researching the individual incidents which constituted this high rate of fatality ( as well as those involving serious injuries ) that the majority could have been avoided if the ‘ political economy of speed ’ had not been allowed to supersede the ‘ political economy of employees lives and limbs ’ .
2 The defence budget might have been spent , nothing more or less , but the money could have been spent more economically , more efficiently , or more effectively .
3 The defendant may escape liability if there is an alternative cause for the defect , or the damage could have been avoided by intermediate examination .
4 He said he was shocked that the building could have been built with the same design as similar buildings that had suffered Legionnaire 's Disease outbreaks .
5 At that time , the building could have been said to typify the dereliction of the whole London docks area .
6 ‘ Strange ’ , he thought , and started to puzzle out what the noise could have been caused by .
7 The budget could have been used to get this region and the country generally out of recession .
8 It was said afterwards that the remains of the truck could have been packed into a kitbag .
9 This , dear reader , is just the tiniest tip of an absolutely enormo iceberg : there 's heaps more stuff about the macabre , the theatrical and the perverted ; the awkward , the romantic and Suede 's ‘ extraordinary intensity ’ ; not to mention fairground mirrors and all the other fevered topics of conversation and how Suede are so quintessentially English the term could have been invented for them .
10 This is the " never knowingly undersold " strategy , by which the incumbent promises to reduce the price ex post should the consumer find that the good could have been obtained elsewhere more cheaply .
11 The weight could have been brought to Australia by Portuguese sailors up to 400 years prior to Captain Cook 's landing in Botany Bay in 1788 , suggests Ward .
12 Third , it would have been better to use freelances whose connection with the DGSE could have been denied , whereas both Mafart and Prieur made telephone calls to DGSE numbers in France when first arrested .
13 The murder could have been sparked off by a minor row leading to a slap or punch .
14 However , you could use that initial unthinking response to the idea " vicar " to fool your reader , as for instance in a short story , by saying no more about the vicar and elsewhere stating that the murder could have been committed only by a man of enormous physical strength .
15 The seller was liable even though by a simple process of warming , the bulk could have been made soft .
16 Anyone trying to climb the fence could have been impaled on spikes the size of joiner 's nails .
17 Anyone trying to climb the fence could have been impaled on spikes the size of joiner 's nails .
18 The experiment could have been improved if measurements had been made more accurately .
19 And yet that part of the interview could have been dismissed with a laugh in five seconds .
20 Police say the raider 's van and the antique dealer 's car were both seen at a service station near Manchester last night , so the crime could have been planned .
21 In some ways the deal could have been done yesterday .
22 The window could have been closed before or after the murder …
23 The basic set-up consists of rather basic apparatus out of a school laboratory — battery , heavy water , metal electrodes and meters for heat or neutrons — which is so widely available that the discovery could have been made anywhere at any time in the preceding half century ; but somehow it has been overlooked by two generations of scientists until suddenly in 1989 not one but two groups in the same location simultaneously announce their breakthroughs .
24 Knowing Matilda , the girl could have been sent to do anything .
25 But the crash could have been avoided had the pilot taken a safer course , Sheriff Douglas Risk said in his report on an inquiry into the accident held 13 months ago .
26 This behavior of the universe could have been predicted from Newton 's theory of gravity at any time in the nineteenth , the eighteenth , or even the late seventeenth centuries .
27 Yesterday Mrs Justice Ebsworth , sitting at Teesside Crown Court , was told the life of the child could have been saved if doctors had monitored the foetus ' heartbeat after Mrs Busuttil , then 26 , was admitted into Middlesbrough 's Parkside Hospital in 1984 because her general practitioner detected irregularities .
28 The fire officer who investigated the blaze said the accident could have been avoided if a safer method of working had been used .
29 There was a single filing cabinet , but in all other respects the room could have been inhabited by his father , the colonial Bishop whose portrait hung over the marble mantelshelf .
30 Their conduct could not have been so described because the court believed that despite its insolvency , it was not inconceivable that the business could have been returned to prosperity .
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